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Jerusalem and Babylon

Рукотворный абсурд

15 апреля 2002

Человек богоподобен. Он может создать то, что не под силу ни одному живому существу: и искусственный спутник земли, и искусственную ткань.
Но человек не Б-г. Он может создать и спутник, и ткань, при одном непременном условии – он должен действовать в согласии с Законом Мироздания, частным проявлением которого являются законы физики, химии и биологии. Человек не может позволить себе не считаться с Законом, ибо как только он дерзнёт это сделать, всё созданное им пойдёт прахом, превратясь в рукотворный абсурд.

Социальные законы - такое же частное проявление Закона Мироздания, как и все прочие законы. Поэтому и в социальной сфере человек не Б-г. Не в его силах устанавливать Закон. Его удел – подчиняться Закону. Действует человек в соответствии с Законом или вопреки – ответ на этот вопрос может дать только результат деятельности человека. Если он действует вопреки Закону, то и в социальной жизни его ждёт тот же венец собственных усилий -нежизнеспособный рукотворный абсурд.
Хотя всем нам знакома малопонятная фраза "Сойдём же и смешаем языки их, чтобы они не понимали друг друга", может показаться, что в ней не содержится никаких намёков на существование Закона и мы, люди, сами в состоянии создавать народы по собственному усмотрению. Но, очевидно, и тут существует Закон, которому - хотим этого или не хотим - мы вынуждены подчиняться.

Красноречивый пример - судьба рукотворного советского народа. Сколько усилий было потрачено, чтобы сотворить его; какими неограниченными резервами обладали творцы; как величаво развевался флаг с серпом и молотом; как убедительно звучал гимн - "Союз нерушимый", "навеки сплотила", "созданный волей народов"! И … всё впустую. Флаг превратился в красную тряпку. Народы разбежались по своим углам, чтобы мучительно вернуть самих себя в лоно Закона. А слова гимна превратились в свидетельство тщетности претензий на законность самого советского народа - рукотворного абсурда. Народ ощущает свою законность по тому, попадает он в духовный резонанс с Законом или нет.

Выражается это ощущение прежде всего в самоназвании и интимном переживании обрядов и памятных дат. В самоназвании "советский народ" должна была быть выражена главная идея народа - народное самоуправление. Но слишком быстро самоуправление выродилось в звериную диктатуру, чёрные воронки по ночам, концлагеря и миллионы замученных, сделав самоназвание отрицанием рукотворного народа. Та же бессмысленная судьба ждала и советские обряды и памятные даты. От главных советских праздников - 7 Ноября и 1 Мая (Годовщина Октябрьской революции и День Пролетарской солидарности) остались только пьянки-гулянки и принудительные демонстрации. Никакая сила не могла заставить советского человека интимно переживать большевистскую революцию и пролетарский интернационализм. Главари "нерушимого Союза" почувствовав, что советскому человеку не хватает ощущения собственной законности, решили исправить положение, изобретя советские обряды. На рукотворных советских граждан посыпались "звездины" вместо привычных крестин и обрезаний; гражданские свадьбы с бандуристками и гимнами, написанными членами Союза писателей, вместо венчания или хупы. И… ничего не помогло. Лица присутствующих автоматически обретали то же выражение, что и на принудительных политинформациях в ожидании конца очередной обязаловки.
Нельзя стать народом, если Закон не велит. Точно также нельзя перестать быть народом, если Закон предписывает им быть.

Последнее замечание ни к кому не относится так явно, как к нам, евреям. Любопытно, что именно советский режим не считал евреев народом. Мы были какими-то непонятными лицами еврейской национальности, так как не укладывались в рукотворный закон марксизма-ленинизма, который постановил, что у настоящего народа должна быть общность языка и территории. А у нас как раз этого и не было. Но если настоящий Закон гласит "и рассею вас среди всех народов и соберу вас и будете вы Мне народом", то протестовать бесполезно. Всё равно будет так, как велит Закон. Факт - советского народа нет, а еврейский почему-то всё равно есть.

Наше еврейское самоназвание - дом Яакова, сыны Израиля, израильтяне - не поддаётся изменению, потому что Закон говорит: "Я заключу союз с тобой и с потомками твоими". И сколько бы потомки не рвались долой из народа, ничего не выходит - Закон возвращает их обратно. Добровольно или принудительно. Живыми или мёртвыми. И земля наша называется землёй Израиля по той же причине - так говорит Закон: "Потомкам твоим Я дам эту землю в наследие вечное". И с этим Законом ничего нельзя поделать. Кто только не пытался на этой земле ужиться - римляне, византийцы, крестоносцы, турки, арабы - не попадали они в духовный резонанс с Законом. А потому и земля пребывала в запустении, о чём оставили свои свидетельства многочисленные путешественники.

Евреи- сионисты, возвращаясь в свою страну, поначалу называли себя палестинцами, потому что официально эта провинция турецкой империи называлась Палестиной. Название встречается впервые у Геродота - так греки - язычники выразили своё неприятие иудеев. Они назвали эту землю по имени прекратившего своё существование народа - филистимлян, демонстративно проигнорировав существование евреев. Римляне подхватили идею. Во 2 веке н.э. страстный поклонник греков император Адриан переименовывает Иерусалим в Элия - Капитолина, с невероятной жестокостью подавляет мощное еврейское восстание против Рима под руководством Бар-Кохбы и запрещает евреям селиться в Иудее. Со времён Адриана эта земля и получила своё официальное название - "Палестина". При помощи "Палестины" языческий мир создал свой рукотворный закон - "земля Израиля больше не принадлежит народу Израиля". Самоназвание "палестинцы" для евреев-сионистов было абсурдным, потому что они собирались действовать в соответствии с Законом, гласящим: "Земля Израиля принадлежит народу Израиля", а "Палестина" была отрицанием Закона. Самопереименование евреев в "израильтян" произошло естественно - коллективное Я народа тем самым говорило: "мы всё те же и мы вернулись домой в Израиль". Так велит Закон. Арабы, обитавшие на Земле Израиля и традиционно называвшие себя сирийскими арабами, стали "палестинским народом" не по собственной инициативе. Их сделали "народом" те, кто решили, что и им Закон не писан.

Породили "палестинский народ" англичане. Они установили свой закон - закон империи, для которой народы и их законные земли превратились в украшение королевской короны. Короне нужны были полусуверенные правители на Востоке. И чтобы вытеснить всех, кто этому мешал - турок, французов и евреев - англичане породили арабский национализм. Власть, данную им мандатом Лиги наций для созданиия еврейского национального очага, они употребили на то, чтобы сгонять евреев с Земли Израиля, одновременно убеждая арабов, что у них есть законные права на эту землю, которую англичане, подобно язычникам, упорно считали "Палестиной".

Эстафету принял "советский народ". Ему нужно было напакостить Западу, чтобы установить собственную диктатуру в мире под видом победы социализма. И он вбил арабам в голову, что терроризм и преступность можно переименовать в национально-освободительную борьбу. Свою лепту внесла Объединённая Европа, у которой есть своя модель мирового порядка. В экстазе объединения валют и стирания национальных границ она подала арабам оригинальную идею: еврейское государство должно стать государством всех граждан, но из "Палестины" всех евреев нужно выселить. ООН- ещё один творец нового мира, в котором не будет обиженных и угнетённых. Именно ООН убедила весь мир, что нет на земле более обиженного и угнетённого народа, чем "палестинцы", потому что евреи отняли у "палестинцев" родину - Землю Израиля. Из 175 резолюций Совета безопасности, принятых до 1990 г. 97 были направлены против Израиля. Из 690 резолюций Генеральной ассамблеи, поставленных на голосование до 1990 г., 429 были направлены против Израиля. День провозглашения государства Израиль для ООН является днём "палестинской трагедии", потому что ООН тоже не согласна с Законом - "Земля Израиля принадлежит народу Израиля".

В мире нет ни одного народа, кроме рукотворного "палестинского", в чьём создании принимал бы участие практически весь мир. Но разве это добыло законность "палестинскому народу"? Ответ на этот вопрос может дать только результат вселенских усилий. Весь мир вызвался помочь арабам Земли Израиля стать "палестинским народом". Каков же результат? На что потрачены средства, которые как мана небесная падают на "самых обиженных и угнетённых"?

Может они улучшили качество жизни простого человека? Нисколько. Средства перекачаны на личные счета главарей, которые к тому же занялись рэкетом, не давая возможности подняться собственным инициативным людям. Совершенно очевидно, что рано или поздно произойдёт битва за перераспределение, цену за которую заплатят прежде всего простые люди.

Может при помощи всего света "палестинцы" стали развивать собственное производство? Да, призводство оружия: миномётов, а теперь уже и ракет.

Может создали организации, ведущие оживлённые дисскуссии о политическом устройстве будущего государства? Да, они создали много организаций: Джихад, Хамас, всевозможных Мучеников и ещё бесчисленное количество других организаций, ведущих дискуссии по одному единственному вопросу - как убивать.

Может быть вселенская помощь помогла рукотворному "народу" в воспитании подрастающего поколения? Помогла. На пожертвованные деньги "палестинцы" издали школьные учёбники, в которых с карты мира исчезло государство Израиль, но расположилась Адрианова "Палестина". Всё их воспитание ориентировано на одну цель - войну с евреями, культивирует только одно чувство - ненависть к евреям. Деньги «доброжелателей» очень помогают им - в создании школ, в которых маленьких несмышлёнышей приучают к судьбе шахида, вбивая мысль о самоубийстве в качестве желанной цели. Весь мир решил, что автономия "палестинского народа" приведёт к постепенной ликвидации очага конфликта. Каков же результат?

"Палестинский народ" стал искрой, разжигающей конфликты. Все усилия Автономии направлены на то, чтобы стравить между собой все страны региона. "Палестина" как магнит притягивает к себе оружие. Оно просачивается отовсюду - по подземным тоннелям, по морю, по суше. "Палестина" превращается в знамя борьбы цивилизаций: даже те, кто никогда не видели "Палестину" в глаза, знают, что воюют они за "палестинский народ". Об этом знают в Чечне и в Афганистане, об этом знают члены всех исламских организаций, паутиной опутавших Европу, об этом твердят в центрах по подготовке боевиков.

Что же это за "народ", все памятные даты которого основаны на отрицании возвращения евреев, предписанного Законом?

Что же это за "народ", толкающий собственных детей к смерти и превращающий их гибель в праздник?

Что же это за "народ", единственным и незаменимым лидером которого является террорист и убийца? Что же это за "народ", который сжигает макет Третьего Храма?
Что же это за "народ", который не только захватил "Сион, откуда пойдёт Учение", но породив Мучеников этого места, претендует на то, что отныне его собственное Учение пойдёт с Сиона - Учение убийц и самоубийц?

Виноваты в происходящем отнюдь не одни арабы. Более арабов виноваты те, кто вбили им в голову языческую химеру - "Палестину". В тот момент, когда арабы начали считать себя "палестинским народом" и "Палестина" начала определять их самосознание, все свои возможности, все ресурсы, все свои чаяния, все помыслы они сориентировали на ту цель, ради которой придумана "Палестина" - ликвидировать Закон, согласно которому "Земля Израиля принадлежит народу Израиля". Требовать от них прекращения террора, всё равно что требовать от льва питаться цветочным нектаром. Их создали ради террора против евреев.

Вселенская согласованность в создании "палестинского народа" не может не насторожить. С каким явлением мы здесь имеем дело?
У нас это явление называется Амалек по имени древнего народа, который напал на евреев во время исхода из Египта. Амалек - это намного больше, чем ненависть к евреям. Амалек - это ненависть к Закону. Амалеку мало богоподобия. Амалек хочет быть Б-гом и диктовать миру свои рукотворные законы. "Или я или Закон" - так ставит вопрос Амалек и готов погибнуть сам, лишь бы Закон не восторжествовал.
Кажется, что всё это из области легенд.

Но роль, которая в современном мире отводится "Палестине"; превращение Арафата, чьё место на скамье подсудимых, в государственного деятеля, присутствие которого на Рождественской мессе так необходимо, что за него вступились высшие христианские религиозные авторитеты в то время, как христиане бегут из селений, оказавшихся под арафатовой пятой; готовность христиан объявить "палестинцем" самого Иисуса Христа - вся эта фантасмагория заставляет поверить в то, что Амалек - это реальность. Он действительно готов погибнуть, отрицая Закон и здравый смысл.

Что выиграли англичане оттого, что растравили арабский национализм? Что они выигрывают сейчас, преследуя евреев во всех средствах массовой информации и превратив Лондон в центр самого оголтелого исламского экстремизма? Арабы стали их друзьями? Отнюдь. Если бы американские близнецы не приняли на себя первый удар, английский парламент, постигла бы та же судьба.

Может быть русским пошла на пользу безоглядная поддержка "палестинского народа", боевиков которого они обучали, бандитизм которого они защищали? Отнюдь. Теперь эти боевики сражаются против России и ведут религиозную пропаганду, опасную для само русского государства.

Выиграла ли Западная Европа, готовая удушить Израиль ради "палестинцев"? Отнюдь. На её территории создана сеть антизападных организаций; на улицах европейских городов устраивают демонстрации ликующие поклонники Бин Ладена; а политика и атмосфера собственной жизни всё больше определяется сторонниками солидарности с "палестинским народом".

Чего добивается ООН, организация, которая не только травит еврейское государство всю его историю, превращает любой свой форум в судилище над Израилем, но и скрывает информацию об израильских солдатах, похищенных с израильской же территории при попустительстве, а возможно и при прямом содействии самой ООН? Ведь её одиозное отношение к Израилю - показатель опасности самой этой организации. Рано или поздно это станет очевидным и приведёт к неизбежному выводу: организация, которая сеет в мире хаос и разврат, должна быть расформирована.

Может быть выигрывают мусульмане от существования "Палестины"? Отнюдь. Они, пожалуй, проигрывают больше всех. В "Палестине" куётся новый ислам, ислам, которого они ещё не знали. Он неизбежно приведёт весь исламский мир к тотальной дестабилизации и конфронтации всех со всеми.

Понимают ли создатели "палестинского народа", что готовит им "Палестина"? Осознают ли , что означает сочетание высочайшего уровня рождаемости, с культом ненависти с пелёнок и привычкой к мировой опёке и мировому вниманию? Ведь лет через десять "палестинская" лавина хлынет на весь мир и породит такие бедствия, перед которыми Бин Ладен с его "Аль Каидой" покажется детской забавой. Все гонят от себя очевидное не потому, что они глупы, а потому что в них бушует страсть Амалека.

Они готовы к собственной гибели и объединяет их всех, гонителей Израиля, именно эта страсть: " Я готов погибнуть, лишь бы миром не правил Закон".
Вселенская ненависть к Закону прикрывает то, в чём никто в мире не хочет признаваться - ненависть к Самому Законодателю. Так говорит Закон: "Ведь народ один и язык один у всех; и вот, что начали они делать" (Бытие. 11:6)

"Палестинцы" всем нужны не из-за сочувствия к "палестинскому народу". Кто вспомнит об этом "народе", если он добьётся желанной цели и сбросит при всеобщей помощи евреев в море? Кто станет помогать "палестинцам"? Кого будет волновать их безысходная судьба? Напротив, именно те, кто сегодня числятся в лучших "палестинских" друзьях только лишь потому, что "Палестина" есть отрицание Израиля, станут первыми ненавистниками "палестинцев". Они будут пугать "палестинцами" своих детей, будут видеть в "палестинцах" опасный элемент и преследовать в том месте, куда ступит "палестинская" нога. Вот тогда "палестинский народ" действительно превратится в самый обиженный и и угнетённый, потому что никто не простит этим людям ту роль, которую они согласились играть - роль орудия бунта против Закона и Законодателя.

Из создавшейся ситуации есть только один выход - опомниться. Прекратить бунт против Закона и заново начать строить отношения евреев с арабами. Это не простая задача, потому что эти отношения в новое время начались с нарушения Закона, в котором ясно выражена мысль: "Не может войти аммонитянин и моавитянин о общество Господне…за то, что не встретили они вас хлебом и водою на пути, когда вы вышли из Египта" (Второзаконие. 23:4). Нельзя плохо встречать возвращающийся из изгнания еврейский народ - так говорит Закон. А уж о том, как встретили арабы евреев, говорят многочисленные еврейские могилы на военных и гражданских кладбищах.

И тем не менее другого выхода нет. Любые инициативы провалятся, надежды не оправдаются, соглашения окажутся невыполнимыми, ненависть будет распространяться и расти и кровь будет литься, пока весь мир не освободится из плена "Палестины" - языческого послания человечеству и будет по-прежнему верить, что может существовать "палестинский народ" – рукотворный абсурд.

The “Global Village” Against the Jews

June 10.2006

The challenges mankind faces in our day and age differ in principal from those encountered by any of the previous generations. In one way or another, we have all come to recognize that qualitative changes have occurred in the fundamental existence of people joined together by the development of civilization to form a single “global village”.

Understanding what this new situation implied became a vital necessity. It is only natural for people to want to figure out the essence of the reality which they themselves have created. They want to grasp the specific nature of the challenges they are facing and the goals they should set themselves.

In this situation, it was only a matter of time before someone would suggest a new conceptual framework for this new global environment.



After the end of the Cold War it appeared that the global confrontation between East and West was over since the triumph of Western values, the values of the free world, seemed undeniable. This perception was reflected in Francis Fukuyama’s “The End of History,” where the author shared his view of the contemporary world… The conflicts which “shook the world” throughout its history are now a thing of the past, he writes, since there are no more grounds for them. Mankind stands today on the threshold of a new era, when all people will join together their mutually advantageous efforts to resolve universal problems and reap the benefits of civilization.

At approximately the same time, in the early 1990’s, there also appeared a diametrically opposite conception. Its author Samuel Huntington continued to see the present-day world as one brimming with conflict and fragmented into mutually incompatible collectives-civilizations, where people are united by a system of traditional values that evolved historically. The specific values of the Western civilization, in Huntington’s view, far from being universal, are profoundly alien to all non-Western civilizations. This leads Huntington to conclude that the contemporary world is moving toward a clash of civilizations.




Despite all the obvious differences between these two conceptions, there are two fundamental features which they have in common.

First feature. Neither of these theories tries in any way to connect with the Holy Scripture, even though the Bible delineated the concept of a global world long before the appearance of the “global village.” Moreover, this concept is described there in sufficient detail to outline the general contours of such a world.

…So mankind’s development is indeed progressing toward some final stage called “the end of days,” which is to be followed by universal harmony (according to Fukuyama). However, at “the end of days” mankind will be separated into nations, and each of them will preserve its internal unity due to common values and a shared faith (according to Huntington).

This fragmentation will be overcome and unity will be achieved only after the nations themselves recognize the limitations of their traditional values and turn to a single center. Such a center is Mt. Sinai from which the teaching of G-d, the One who created all men, will spread around the world. G-d will judge all nations and will give them instructions that will assist people in understanding their Creator. Recognition of His power over united mankind will become the basis for a single world order.

Contemporary globalistic theories do not offer anything similar to this conceptual framework found in the Bible.

Second feature. Neither of these conceptions makes any mention of the Jews as a special people chosen by G-d or the Jewish state. But it was the Jews who introduced to the world the very ideas which have given rise to the modern civilization. In the Holy Scriptures the main event of “the end of days” is described as the return of the Jewish people scattered amidst other nations to the land of their forefathers. There, at “the end of days” the Jews will rebuild the national home of the descendants of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob.

The significance of this event lies in the fact that the nations will not simply turn to Zion. They will say to each other: “…let us go up to the Lord's mount, to the house of the G-d of Jacob,” – to the House belonging to the descendants of the third Patriarch, Jacob, who received the name of Israel from G-d Himself.

The conceptions of Fukuyama and Huntington do not encompass the special mission Jews have in the world.

It follows from these two globalistic theories that the world simply has no need of the Jews.

It is therefore natural that that the implementation of a theory where there is no place for something or someone (in this case, the Jewish state and Jews as a chosen people) in effect leads to their practical elimination (in this case, the Jewish state and Jews as a chosen people).

Even though the creators of these globalistic conceptions and the acting political leaders who implement these theories may not set themselves such goals and are, perhaps, not even aware of the consequences their theories and actions may have, this result is inevitable. Such is the inescapable logic of the conceptions themselves. And this logic can be discovered by turning to the facts which allow us to trace the ways in which these conceptions are put into political practice.




Bill Clinton was President of the world’s only superpower at the time when we all lived according to Fukuyama. Clinton was an ardent believer in the ability to unite self-absorbed mankind on the basis of world trade. Shimon Peres in Israel shared his beliefs, dreaming of a New Middle East whose inhabitants ultimately come to understand that mutual consumption of commodities and services is the common goal and to achieve it they must resolve old enmities.

What did we get in the end? Under the impact of the ideals proposed by Shimon Peres and his supporters Arafat became a legitimate public figure and we witnessed the signing of the Oslo “peace” accords. The only reason this happened was because in accordance with Fukuyama’s theory we started to believe that the problems of the Promised Land were resolved once the Cold War was over and that in the newly emerging reality Arafat and his cronies would simply want to live and consume like the rest of the world.

How did these beliefs affect us, Jews? All the values cherished by the Jewish people in the course of their ill-fated history were subjected to ridicule and proclaimed irrelevant in the era of “the end of days” when the above-mentioned ideals were being implemented. Those Jews who had the courage to defend these values were strongly condemned as enemies of peace and the world. In the eyes of the world community the Jews acquired the status of occupiers of the Promised Land and Jerusalem, people who were preventing the rest of mankind from living a peaceful and prosperous life. The unheard of campaign of terror unleashed by the Jewish “partners” in the “peace” process which resulted in the killing and mutilation of thousands of Jews began to be perceived as a rightful struggle against the aggressor. Shimon Peres solemnly called the innocent victims of this “peace” process “peace victims.”

The first stage in the implementation of globalistic conceptions where there was no place for the Jewish state and Jews as the chosen people ended with the achievement of certain definite goals: the killing of Israeli Jews and disdain for the eternal values of the Jewish people were legitimized in the eyes of the entire world.




The collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 dispelled the illusions of the 1990s reflected in Francis Fukuyama’s concept of globalism. Everyone now turned to Huntington and, consequently, arrived at the conclusion that we were dealing with a clash of civilizations. Western values were indeed alien to the non-western non-democratic world, which necessitated changes in policy.

American neo-conservatives formulated these new guiding principles of U.S. foreign policy: if non-western civilizations do not accept our values we will force them to do it. These principles determined President Bush’s policy of “total democracy.”

How did this new policy affect us, Jews? It gave birth to the dream of a Democratic Palestine, and for it to become reality it was necessary to expel the Jews from the Promised Land. The “road map” for peace was announced, which strengthened the “Palestinian” self-identity of this special people that had never before existed but received the support of the world community of nations. The “Palestinians” were given the opportunity to exercise their choice, and they did: they democratically elected Hamas to lead the “Palestinian” legislature – choosing the organization most antagonistic and uncompromising toward Israel (and, incidentally, equally antagonistic to foreign and alien western values).

 The second stage in the implementation of globalistic conceptions where there was no place for the Jewish state and Jews as the chosen people also ended with the achievement of certain definite goals: world public opinion was now thoroughly convinced that the Promised Land could and had to be cleared of the Jews in order to free it for the “people” who had been invented and nurtured by the global community.




That, however, is not the end of it. Everybody realizes that there must be a third stage in this process. What will it be? All we need to do to find an answer to this question is go back to the aforementioned globalistic theories.

The conclusion drawn by the neo-conservatives did not at all follow from Huntington’s theory. Quite to the contrary, Samuel Huntington insisted that we should learn to survive in the existing conflict of civilizations, whenever possible smoothing over the disagreements and finding compromises in those areas that the opposing civilization finds the most objectionable. But it is an undisputed fact that it finds most objectionable the very existence of the state of Israel! So Professor Huntington makes the logical conclusion from his globalistic theory: U.S. support of the state of Israel only serves to exacerbate the conflict, and, therefore, this policy should be revised.

In view of the obvious failure of President Bush’s policy of “total democracy” it can be predicted with some certainty that his political opponents will use this to win the next round of presidential elections. This group of leaders does not make a secret of their future policies. They intend to pursue a policy for Israel's demise, fully in accordance with the conclusions Samuel Huntington has drawn from his own globalistic theory. 




Let us now summarize the results of the implementation of recent globalistic theories.

All the inhabitants of the “global village” have gradually accepted, based on these conceptions, that a/ it is OK to kill the Jews as occupiers of the Promised Land; b/ it is OK, and even necessary, to expel the Jews from the Promised Land until this nation, hassled by the world community, ends up within the shrunk borders – rightly called the “Auschwitz borders” – of what is supposedly the Jewish state. The next step after such “accomplishments” would be simply to retreat, leaving the Jewish people to be slaughtered by the allies of the opposing civilization who have been armed to the teeth well in advance.

Bitter regrets will undoubtedly follow after the event. “How could we have known? We didn’t think it would go that far… We’re so sorry…”  The unfolding scenario will be very much like the one we already know, in which it has become fashionable to bemoan the fate of the victims of Auschwitz. But these laments and crocodile tears should not deceive anyone. Unlike natural disasters, human calamities are man-made. That’s what makes it possible to follow the course of preparation beforehand and draw the appropriate conclusion.

Here is that unequivocal conclusion: contemporary globalistic conceptions lay down the theoretical foundations and prepare world public opinion for the inevitable – the destruction of the Jewish state and another Holocaust of the Jewish people.

(Introduction to “The Palestinian Boomerang”)

January 2008


Of all the myths created by human imagination “Palestine” is the most outrageous one.

“Palestine” is a myth of such scope that no other fantasy born in people’s minds has ever come anywhere close to it. This myth has transformed the small stretch of land along the Mediterranean coastline into the focus of world-wide attention, and now even nations which have never before heard of the Revelation at Mt. Sinai and the Promised Land know that this is where the fate of the world is being decided.

It’s not at all surprising considering that “Palestine” and Mt. Sinai are located in the same area. Mt. Sinai is actually not a mountain even but a hill, which doesn’t prevent it from being a very special place: the Holy Book tells us that at some future time we will witness “the end of days” when the nations of the world shall all turn to this mound, since it is from Zion that the Teaching of the World’s Creator shall go forth.

That’s exactly what has happened. A teaching universal in its scope is indeed going forth from Zion, confirming the prophecy. It is doubtful that this is the Teaching described in the Holy Book, however, because from the moment Zion was captured by “Palestine” it is the Teaching of Death that emanates from Zion and spreads like wildfire around the planet.

A culture built on the single idea of Death has been cultivated here in “Palestine”. Belts packed with explosives which parents proudly tie around their children’s bodies have become a hallmark of this culture. Characteristically, this is no longer happening on the territory of “Palestine” alone but in different parts of the world. It doesn’t seem accidental: these events appear as a confirmation of the words of the Holy Book about Zion’s significance and its impact on the entire world.

Here, in the “Palestinian” Zion, women whose biological function is to be the mothers of all life have taken on the role of suicide killers whose primary goal is to murder as many human beings as possible.

Here, in this special “Palestinian incubator” an entire generation is being bread which absorbs the idea of Death as life’s main purpose with their mother’s milk.

And this lethal admixture is being spread around the world feeding what we now know as “international terrorism”. As it penetrates people’s souls “Palestine” kindles in them the spark of faith in Death, becoming a rallying cry for those who bring destruction to contemporary civilization.

Not surprisingly, “Palestine” has created a multitude of problems which religious, political and public leaders around the globe are desperately trying to tackle. Experts and concerned individuals get together at scholarly academies, research centers, and political and social institutions in an effort to make their contribution to resolving the “Palestinian problem”.

Alas, all these efforts turn into nothing as they hit against the wall of zombie-like “Palestine”, because “Palestine’s” problems have acquired a categorically irresolvable quality, whereas the Death quest which it radiates not only resists control but is actually gaining momentum.


Why did we, Jews, have to find ourselves in this quandary – there and now, in that very “Palestine”!?

Wait a minute! Maybe it was the other way around?

Maybe this frightening phantom of “Palestine” appeared precisely because we, Jews, found ourselves there and now?

Was anyone concerned about this stretch of abandoned land between Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea until recently? Did anyone even hear about “the Palestinian people” a hundred years ago? But no sooner did the Jews begin their return to the Promised Land – something predicted by EVERY SINGLE ONE of the Jewish prophets – than the “Palestinian people” suddenly appeared out of nowhere and became recognized by all nations on earth and all world bodies as having the right to “Holy Palestine”.

It is quite obvious that the phenomenon of “Palestine” emerged as a response to the return of the Jews to Zion. “Palestine” was invented for one purpose only: to create an obstacle for the Jews, hindering our return to this plot of land where we are obligated to come back irrespective of our personal desire to do so.

Just like centuries ago, irrespective of our will, we made our escape from Egypt to come to Zion, so now too a mysterious Force is guiding us in the same direction. Honestly, we can’t explain even to ourselves how exactly this is happening.

Just as then, when after the Exodus from Egypt a certain mysterious Amalek, whom the Holy Book declared to be the enemy of the World’s Creator, had tried to bar our passage, so now too our passage is being blocked by “Palestine”. It appeared completely out of nowhere, as a fantasy, but has since struck root, matured and became capable of indoctrinating people and “taking over” their lives. All this is meant to announce to the world: there is no deliverance for the Jews – they have nowhere to return.

Too bad for you, Jews, but your place, your Promised Land, is already taken.

It is now taken over by “Palestine”.

Those who invented “Palestine” have every reason to rejoice.

“Palestine” has turned the lives of the Jews into a gradual catastrophe. Jews are dying daily in never ending wars, clashes, exchanges of fire and terrorist acts. Due to “Palestine” the land of Zion has once again become transformed into the same kind of land which it used to be, according to the Holy Book, before the arrival of the tribes of Israel – a desolate land devoured by strangers. Funeral processions have indeed become a familiar site in the land of “Palestine”: the air is filled with the crying and sobbing of people who are mourning their loved ones.

“Palestine” has “elevated” Jews to the position of the world’s main defendant whom other nations are beginning to see as the cause of all their misfortunes. These nations have inwardly accepted the idea that without the Jews and their “criminal occupation” of Zion the world would definitely be if not a perfect, then certainly a better place to live in, since it wouldn’t have to concern itself with the “Palestinian problem”.

It would seem that the very name “Palestine” should enrage us, Jews. Didn’t all those nations who yelled to us: “Get out!” and tried to banish us from their midst know exactly where they were expelling us? They must have known that the Jews had no other place on earth but Zion which they could call their own. Why are they trying to convince us now that “Palestine” is located in that very place? Why have they invented it? Why does everybody seem to need “Palestine” so badly?

“Palestine” is indeed necessary.

No matter how offensive it might sound to some, “Palestine” is absolutely indispensable.


It is first of all, we, Jews, who need “Palestine”. It is no secret that our destiny has been determined by our special status as “the chosen people”. We were supposed to go off and live separately, not being counted as part of the other world nations.

But who wants to live separately? We, too, would like to be “like everyone else” and become a part of the community of nations.

When we went back to the land of our ancestors, this is exactly what we all wished for. Our dream was a very modest one: to have our own piece of land we could call home, to grow fruit, build roads and houses, bring up our children, go to work and, on weekends, go to the movies, to the beech or spend the evening with friends.

“Can’t you let us be? Leave alone this ‘chosenness’ of ours… We don’t want to be a special nation!” we insisted. “We’re in your way in your wonderful countries, so why don’t you give us a small piece of land so that we can get out and stop bothering you? You’d like to have some peace and so would we. Don’t we too deserve some breathing space?”
 And we did get out.

So what now? It’s no longer a secret that Jews living in Israel have become associated with the image of the bloodthirsty Jew who is once again in everybody’s way, only this time on a world-wide scale. Once again we have found ourselves on one side of the fence with the rest of the nations being on the other side. They don’t really accept the existence of the Jewish state, even those who publicly claim to recognize it. Even those of them that sincerely believe that they have nothing but friendly feelings toward the Jewish state go out of their way to legitimize “Palestine” in the land of Zion and to help us, Jews, rid the Land of Zion and Jerusalem of our presence.

They make every effort to clear of the Jewish “occupation” the Promised Land which is the one place on earth where G-d has promised us an eternal kingdom.

Our new status as “occupiers” of the Promised Land has created a fundamentally new situation which defies any logical explanation.

When the nations of Europe were exterminating the Jews during WWII to purge their lands of our presence it was possible to present a logical justification for their conduct.

“…Jewish bankers are robbing our people.”

“Jews have seized the most prestigious positions in our national home.”

“Jewish revolutionaries are inciting our people to revolt against the church and the state.”

It would even be possible to find some justifying arguments in favor of the Holocaust, if one wanted to do that badly enough.

But not for “Palestine!”

Never before “Palestine” appeared on the map have we, Jews, felt that we belonged to a people whose death was sought by all nations. We had never felt that way until now, when global efforts have led to the creation of the special “Palestinian people” with whose hands the world intends to eliminate “Jewish occupiers”.

Even the most skeptical among us are likely to think at this point that the Jews must clearly have been marked out in some way.

Why are all other nations so preoccupied with us?

What makes them so intensely concerned about the “Palestinian people”?

What compels all of them to invest their taxpayer’s money into this particular “people” whose murderous instincts endanger the world?

Are the “Palestinians” indeed the most disadvantaged people on earth that they deserve such universal attention?

Just recently, after Jews were expelled from Gaza, some young Egyptian women rushed across the border to get married hastily to the first random “Palestinian”. It turned out that they saw this as a way to get out of poverty and secure a better future for themselves. So where do these sorry souls seek happiness? In poor Gaza that is pitied by the whole world. If things in Egypt are so bad that one is tempted to run away and get married in “Palestine” then perhaps the Egyptians should get ahead of the “Palestinians” in the line of candidates for universal support?

There are so many of these genuinely poor and disadvantaged nations! But does anyone construct airports and sea ports for them, train their armies and build schools and summer camps for their children? Does anyone give them billions of dollars? Not at all. It is only the special “Palestinian people” who “deserve” this kind of treatment, even though anyone who can put two and two together has to understand that a steady supply of weapons will come poring into these sea ports and airports; training camps will train suicide bombers; the army will prepare militants, and the schools will plant hatred in young Palestinian souls which will stay there forever. It will start as hatred for the Jews, then for the infidels, then for those who Islamic faith is different from theirs, then for members of another militant group, then for their own neighbors and, finally, for the entire human race…

Perhaps one doesn’t know for sure but vaguely suspects that these funds will inevitably lead to a power struggle between corrupt counterparts aiming for their redistribution? Perhaps somebody fails to understand that the constant tumult in “Palestine” will eventually spill through and overflow, serving as a source of inspiration for an expanding number of suicide bombers who see death as the only way to escape the problems of the modern world which they are unable to solve?

And despite all that everybody continues to nourish “Palestine” in the Promised Land as if under a spell and with one purpose in mind: so that there is no place on earth left for the Jews.

It must be that we, Jews, are indeed “the chosen people” if the mere fact of our existence can wreak such havoc on people’s minds! Were it not for “Palestine” nobody would believe that except for the Jewish Orthodox? How else could we finally figure out that our “chosenness” is not the work of somebody’s fancy? It is absolutely real.

Indeed, it was worth inventing “Palestine” if only as a way to prove this to us.


True, those who invented “Palestine” to replace the Promised Land need that at least as much as we do.

We, Jews, have given them no peace of mind for over 2,000 years.

A long, long time ago, when we alone believed in One G-d, they made fun of us and mocked us. They worshipped so many gods and they were all so beautiful!

But we… Suggesting a deity no one can even see! Isn’t it worth a laugh or two? And they split their sides laughing and came up with fairy tales that described us, Jews, worshipping a donkey’s head and using human blood in ritual sacrifices.

No sooner did they adopt our faith in the One Whose Image was not accessible to their fervent imagination than they sought out a new and more vicious slander – claiming that we killed G-d.

Never had they experienced the kind of mystical hatred which

they felt for the “God-killers”. They managed to feed this kind of hatred to many other nations, making them repeat day after day in their prayers to our G-d curses addressed to the very nation which G-d Himself had named to be “the chosen people”, vowing never to forsake them.

But these Jew-haters already considered themselves to be “the chosen people” and “the New Israel”. They now perceived Jews as a nation rejected by G-d which, incidentally, did not decrease their intense negative feelings.

On the contrary, we, Jews, aroused their fervent imagination even more. They drew pictures of Jews with horns and tales, portraying us as devious, depraved and bloodthirsty creatures. They once again revived their old myths about human sacrifice, reinventing them and now insisting that Jews were kidnapping their children to sprinkle Passover matzos with innocent Christian blood.

Well, there is a logical explanation even for something like this.

Acceptance of monotheistic faith objectively makes people more intolerant. If G-d is One, then there ought to be a single order for all of His creations. After they usurped the status of “the chosen people” other monotheists had to develop a matching scheme, according to which Jews would be stripped of this status. And they produced a thoroughly devised theory to prove that G-d had renounced the Jews.

One can understand why it was so important for them to see us wallowing in misery. Based on their scheme even our appearance was supposed to scare to death those who didn’t want to accept their new religion. And they made every possible effort to show the rest of the world just how much G-d rejected the Jews. They persecuted us, burdened us with laws that limited our rights, humiliated us and required that we wore distinguishing badges for identification or jester’s hats. They burned our books and forced us to take the Torah oath wearing a crown of thorns.

We, Jews, tried to bring up arguments in defense of our faith. But faith is not something that can be proved. And monotheistic faith is particularly uncompromising. It leads to intolerance because the principle of unity has primary significance for it. Mind you, we are just as uncompromising toward them as they are toward us. Moreover, it is we, Jews, who taught them to be so uncompromising. So it is hard to tell what kind of relations we might have had if we exchanged places and they were forced to live in our midst.

They wouldn’t have it so good, believe me.

Now about their silence during WWII…That also has a valid explanation… They were scared. They were simply afraid because the new order of the Third Reich intended to wipe out those of them who stubbornly continued to believe in the G-d of the Sinai Revelation. There were actually quite a few among them who saved Jewish lives, putting their own lives at stake. And they did it because we share One G-d of the Sinai Revelation. Belief in G-d couldn’t be reconciled with the furnaces of Auschwitz.

Yes, all this has an explanation...

It is possible to understand.

All of it that is, except for “Palestine”, which they have unanimously accepted as a reality.

What is their motivation? Don’t they understand what is going to happen to this land which is sacred to them if the struggle of the “Palestinian people” against the Jews results in the demise of the Jewish state? Do they really expect any of their holy sites to survive in this land? Let them look at Kosovo for the answer. They are now being pushed around even in their own Europe. How can anyone hope for tolerance to prevail here, in the land of “Palestine”, where the Crusaders shed their blood to free the Holy Sepulcher?

It is absolutely clear that despite all the assurances by Muslim extremists to the contrary, the situation in this land will become even more radicalized, and this will be true not only in respect to non-Muslims, the so-called infidels, but between all other religious factions as well. This won’t occur because of somebody’s desire for it to be that way. The point is that the world has changed – it has truly become united and is transformed into one “global village”. And this means that the already fierce battle for a single world order will grow even fiercer. More than anywhere else this will happen in this land, in Zion, from where the Teaching will go forth.

More than anywhere...

But in spite of everything, they are fighting desperately to expel none other than the Jews from this land on behalf of “Palestine”, where there won’t be any place for them either.

It is their fanatical faith in “Palestine” that makes us, Jews, take a new look at the accusations which they have been flinging at us over the past 2,000 years.

Who is this “god” whom we have supposedly killed? Do they really mean Jesus? Or perhaps they have in mind a totally different “god”, or, rather, the “gods” of their ancestors – all these votans, freyrs, svarogs, peruns and the like?

Monotheistic Christianity forced Europeans to forsake the “gods” of their own ancestors in order to acknowledge the G-d of the Jewish forefathers – the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But the Europeans never parted entirely with their own “gods”. These “gods” continued to live in their hearts but they now assumed the character of occult forces. The pagan “gods” of their ancestors were giving descendants no peace, tormenting their imagination with images of ghosts and vampires, all kinds of devils and witches, imps, goblins and mermaids who moved from folklore and mythology into literature, and more recently came to life on the blue screen in films like “Harry Potter” and “The Lord of the Rings”. The Internet has expanded their opportunities dramatically. The sheer number and quality of pagan websites provide ample proof of the tremendous interest displayed by former Christians in the “gods” of their ancestors.

But even while the Church was still able to keep Europeans in check their “gods” were rebelling against the Christian faith in satanic sects. At a time when these “gods” didn’t present themselves in any obvious form, during the era of Reason and Enlightenment, their suppressed power already manifested itself but in the most unexpected fashion – Europeans placed on us, Jews, the blame … for Christianity.

When Voltaire cried, “Crush the infamous thing!” no one was quite sure whether he meant the Catholic Church or the Jews, since Judaism is the source of Christianity.

And when Nietzsche’s archetype of the European superman called Christ an idiot there already existed in Europe a number of secret societies that were nurturing the purulent growths of Nazi ideology. The pivotal idea of this new teaching born in Europe was that the Arians must resurrect the spirit of their ancestors and not only get rid of those immediately identified as Jews but also purify Arian blood up to the fourth generation of the blood of those who “contaminated” Arians by forcing on them their own G-d.

The plan to burn all the Jews as a sacrifice to Votan is the heart and soul of Nazi ideology. Unless we understand this it is impossible to comprehend what was really going on during WWII, and why the Germans were acting so “strangely”(!?) when instead of using railways to deliver necessary ammunition to the frontlines, they used them to transport the Jews to extermination camps.

Now let’s get back to the accusations of child murder… If the Jews actually had any such rituals isn’t it true that someone other than Europeans would surely know about it? Before we came into contact with Europeans we lived side by side with Arabs and Persians for many centuries but we were never accused of anything like that. Blood libels were introduced to these peoples through Europeans.

So what prompted the appearance among Europeans of this mystical belief that the Jews were killing Christian children? Maybe it all has to do with them and not at all with the Jews? Perhaps Europeans shifted on us the blame for their children’s death because European nations made renouncing G-d’s main commandment, the instinct to “be fruitful and multiply”, a condition for their acceptance of the G-d of the Sinai Revelation? Maybe by thrusting the blood libel at us they are really shedding tears over their unborn children who never had a chance to come into this world because so many Europeans locked themselves in monasteries? Could it be that their sexual revolution, the destructive cult of sex which has elevated homosexuality to the highest normative status is also a rebellion against this means of acknowledging our G-d?

If we still have doubts that our mere existence is driving them insane, “Palestine” serves as the most solid proof.

Most importantly, their belief in “Palestine” and the “Palestinian people” is quite sincere!

In this respect militant Islamic extremists compare favorably to Europeans in that they don’t believe in any such thing as the “Palestinian people”. Muslim extremists openly admit that the “Palestinian people” simply constitute that part of the Islamic ummah (community of believers, – Translator’s note) which has the honorable duty to purge the Promised Land of the Jews for the sake of establishing a world caliphate at some point in the future. Once this mission is accomplished there will be no more reason to single out the “Palestinian people” since Muslims do not really accept the notion of separate “nations”. Muslims are joined into ummahs, not nations.

Their position is clear and simple…

But what about the position of Europeans?

There is really not a semblance of logic about it. It reflects something totally different – the ancestral call, a desire to avenge the desecrated beliefs of pagan forefathers and a faith in the idol of freedom from the Revelation at Sinai. And this faith manifests itself in the truly religious zeal with which Europeans pronounce the mantras of “democratic Palestine”, “the struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom” and “the Palestinian people’s legitimate right to establish a Palestinian state”.

This isn’t a naïve belief of some simple-minded, uneducated or brainwashed people. It is the belief of politicians and scholars, heads of states and leaders of religious confessions, top intellectuals, writers and journalists!

If all this were nothing more than political spin, it wouldn’t be so surprising.

But these people genuinely BELIEVE!.. They BELIEVE in it!

They believe in it with the same passion with which they have always believed in the myth of the Jewish “God-killing” and Jewish “cannibalism”!

It is the depth of this belief that is more frightening than anything else!

It is scary to look into their faces when they use the excuse of “the just solution to the Palestinian question” to substitute, without a shadow of doubt, the invented “Palestinian people” for the eternal Jewish people.

It is frightening to listen to their discourse about the “Palestinian state” – a wild dream for which they demand that the Promised Land become “Judenfrei”.

It is alarming to ponder the reasons why they think of themselves as righteous heroes who fight for “Palestine” and fervently strive to fulfill a sacred duty, when all they want is to expel the Jews from the Promised Land under the guise of their concern for the “Palestinian people”.

It is unnerving to think that they are oblivious to the simple truth: this entire “trumped-up Palestinian story” is proof of their total insanity.

Indeed, “Palestine” was absolutely necessary for them and for us so that we would finally comprehend the depth of the trauma which we, Jews, had caused the Europeans by introducing them to our G-d and His Revelation at Mt. Sinai.

They have been carrying the pain of this trauma deep in their hearts for 2,000 years, and this is how they have avenged themselves – with “Palestine”!

“Palestine” is the poisonous fruit of their hatred for the Jews. It was born out of their passionate desire to avenge themselves for the Revelation at Sinai. This phantom has “risen from the foam” like their Aphrodite.


The Europeans can comfort themselves with the thought that it is not only they who have lost their minds. We, Jews, have become even more insane. If we weren’t completely aware of this in the past, “Palestine” has shed light on this sad state of affairs, dispelling all our doubts.

“Palestine” has helped us see exactly what we are and how far we have fallen.

The strange metamorphosis that occurred with “Palestine” has somehow slipped through our fingers: before our very eyes “Palestine” became transformed from a name which the Europeans have given to the Promised Land into a symbol of Islamic resistance to the culture which has matured in the womb of Christian Europe.

This metamorphosis has turned the situation around: “Palestinians” now fight under the green flag of Islam, and we, Jews, acting as the outpost of Europe, have found ourselves in the role of defenders of the values of the Christian world.

We have even devised special terminology to go with it – we now speak of the Judeo-Christian civilization opposing the Islamic civilization.

This is something new!

Since when did the Jews find themselves siding with Christians against Muslims?

What exactly did the inventors of this odd blend named “the Judeo-Christian civilization” have in mind?

If they intended to emphasize the spiritual kinship that exists between monotheists, Christians and Jews, why then did they exclude Muslims from this alliance? If their intention was to emphasize that Christians have built their civilization based on the Monotheistic Idea originally introduced by Jews, then it must be admitted that Muslims built their civilization based on the same idea. And this means that the concept of the Judeo-Muslim civilization could be no less legitimate than reference to the Judeo-Christian civilization.

If those who introduced the term “Judeo-Christian civilization” wish to prove to us that Jews are much closer to European Christians than to Asian Muslims, they should simply review their history books. I can assure them that they will be unpleasantly surprised because, quite contrary to their beliefs, Asian Muslims are considerably closer to the Jews.

Let us start with a few simple examples. Here is one: the rabbis have permitted Jews to pray in mosques but never in churches…The reason for this is quite obvious: just like Jews, Muslims categorically prohibit any visual representation of G-d’s image, whereas Christianity is based on such visual images, irrespective of the confession.

If we were to focus for a minute on issues associated with dietary laws (their integrity, incidentally, is a matter of major significance) we would discover that there, too, the “Judeo-Christian civilization” has no basis in reality. Both Muslims and Jews are prohibited from eating pork as a swine is considered to be ritually unclean. Christian Europeans, on the contrary, love pork.

Nothing, though, can be more ridiculous than the effort to convince us that (since Israel is being presented by us as the only democratic country in the Middle East) Jews and Europeans supposedly have similar norms of social life. Just as Muslims, we, Jews, have never accepted the Christian separation of life into its religious and secular aspects, since religion has always determined all the norms of Jewish life. We have simply copied from the Europeans the entire concept of “democracy” with its emphasis on “human rights” and its “parliamentary institutions”. Nothing of the kind could have been produced within Jewish culture (just as it couldn’t be born within Muslim culture), because Jewish law is founded on the opinions of religious sages, and the individual is tied to the clan and to tradition. Rabbis constantly remind us of these truths.

Therefore, identifying us with Europe is a myth!

If we were to look at it from a different angle and analyze the issue of the relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims – the way these relations have evolved over centuries of mutual coexistence – we would discover that there is even less justification in designating Jews as part of the “Judeo-Christian civilization” opposed to Muslim civilization.

Two major developments have taken place since the time the Jews lost their statehood 2,000 years ago.

First, after they accepted monotheism nations divided the world into two domains, the Muslim and Christian one.

Second, the Jewish nation went into exile and became dispersed among the new monotheists, finding itself dependent on the nations belonging to each of these two domains.

Relying on facts one can state with confidence that if the Muslim domain did not create particularly favorable conditions for the Jews, they would never have been able to develop the remarkable strategy for survival which has allowed them to endure for the following 2,000 years.

Indeed, the Babylonian Center for the Jewish people was created on the territory of present-day Iraq under Muslim rule. It was headed by someone called the “Head of the Diaspora” (Rosh Galut in Hebrew) whose status equaled that of cabinet minister. The Bagdad authorities and caliphate civilians treated him with the recognition and respect commensurate with his status. In this atmosphere some of the greatest Jewish sages moved to Babylon, and Jewish scholarship was able to flourish in the famous yeshivas at Sura and at Pumbedita. It was there that Diaspora Jews sent their questions, and Jewish scholars submitted their authoritative interpretations to all the communities of their dispersed people, forming the fundamentals of Jewish law. These rabbis are known in Jewish scholarship as “explainers” or “interpreters”. Jewish communities from all over the world also sent their bright young people to receive training at the Babylon yeshivas, which eventually created a rabbinical network of scholars who were connected with each other. It is here that the Babylonian Talmud was written, immortalizing the great rabbis of Babylon.

The Jews living in the Christian domain found themselves in totally different circumstances.

The “old Israel,” that is, the Jewish people who were supposed to disappear according to the Christian doctrine could not even hope for any recognition of their significance, like the right to establish self-government or to open academies of learning which would welcome Jews from anywhere in the Diaspora. Jews in Europe were permitted (and that not everywhere) to exist within the boundaries of small communities which were dependent on individual feudal lords. Once in a while individual rabbis within them would rise to greater heights of affirmation, but it happened exclusively due to their personal qualities and not because of any advantageous conditions. That is why nothing like the Babylonian Talmud could ever be created on European soil. Circumstances were quite unfavorable to the Jews even in their own land which languished under European rule before it was conquered by the Arabs. The Jerusalem Talmud, or Talmud Yerushalmi which predated its counterpart, the Babylonian Talmud, by about 200 years has traditionally not been studied as widely in many of the yeshivas.

Don’t forget that already at the time the German tribes first took possession of the Pyrenean peninsula, a series of racial laws were promulgated against the Jews in the country of the Visigoths. The Visigothic King of Spain banned the celebration of the Passover, the Sabbaths and other festivals in the customary manner; he outlawed the solemnization of marriage, after the custom of the Jews, and the circumcision of the children. Since he also prohibited baptized Jews, even conversion could not protect the Jews from their sorry plight. (The Nazis were clearly not original in this respect, since they merely reclaimed their Germanic roots.) But shortly after the Muslims arrived on the territory of Spain, both Jews and Christians were given religious freedom and self-governing communities. The Jewish community thrived under the religious tolerance of the Cordoba Caliphate. Jews prospered and acquired great influence as philosophers, poets and even military leaders. Some rose to the highest positions of power in the caliphate. But as soon as Europeans recaptured these lands the decline of both Arab and Jewish vitality quickly followed. After the expulsion of Muslims, the Jews were presented with the choice of forced conversion or exile, causing the mass flight of the Sephardic Jews from all over the Pyrenean peninsula in 1492.

Here, finally, is the last argument. Auschwitz was built in Europe, not somewhere else, and all Europeans were in one way or another involved in what was happening there, because each of these nations was in a hurry to get rid of “its own” Jews. Muslims didn’t have anything to do with it. It was the “intellectually superior” Europe that “invited” the Muslims to participate in “the final solution of the Jewish question”.

Nobody is trying to say that Jews always had an easy time living under Islam. They were subjected to humiliation, oppressive taxes and forced conversion to Islam. But in this respect they were treated the same way as Christians. Though both Jews and Christians were doomed to remain second-class citizens in Muslim society, they were both under special consideration as “the people of the Book” and held under Muslim protection.

The place of the Jews in the Christian world has always been quite different. Christians fought for centuries against the Muslims but they saw this as a conflict between equals. As for the Jews, Christians viewed them as enemies of the human race, a people cursed by G-d and placed outside the boundaries which separated this nation of outcasts from the rest of the world.

I am not writing this in an effort to curry favors with the Muslims. This is the preferred occupation of politically correct Europe.

The only reason I am writing this is to pose a question that has been tormenting me for a long time: what had to have happened to us, Jews, for these well knows facts to have totally evaporated from our national memory? What prompted us to start talking about a “Judeo-Christian civilization”?

Are we are unwilling to remember our European past because we intend to start our history from scratch so that we can finally do what Christians have hoped to get from us for the past 2,000 years – love of Jesus and repentance for not having acknowledged Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago?..

But that is not the case really. Those Jews whose faith in G-d is sincere and shapes their entire lives do not use this newly invented term “Judeo-Christian civilization”, and they tactfully avoid the topic since they are well aware of the complexities of the problem.

It is those among the Jews that are totally indifferent to Judaism who like to engage in serious discussions about the “Judeo-Christian civilization”. But they do it for one and only reason – to receive “the ticket of admission to European culture”, in the words of the converted German poet Heinrich Heine.

So it is all related to European culture... Everybody now wants desperately to be a part of it.

It is true that now, with the tremendous inflow of new immigrants from all over the world, the Jews, who have lived there for quite some time, suddenly found themselves in the role of hosts in Christian countries.

Good lord! We’ve waited so long for this to happen!

We’ve tried everything to bring about this moment!

We’ve groveled before the Europeans!

We’ve begged them to permit us to settle among any of their peoples who were ready to give us shelter!

We put our arms around them with sentimental admissions of just how much we adored them and with sickening complaints that they did not reciprocate our love!

We went out of our way to be the greatest patriots of their countries!

We beamed with smiles, and when they spat on us we called it rain!

We tried to convince those who tortured us, when these villains were killing and raping members of our own families in the presence of their parents and husbands, of the “natural” right of the local “people” to organize Jewish pogroms as an expression of these “people’s’” anger against society, against the government authorities, the bad weather or simply their ripped old boots!..

And now our lucky star is shining upon us! How fortunate! Christians and Muslims are fighting with each other! The East has announced war against the West, and we, who have emerged as the outpost of European democracy in the Middle East, can take upon ourselves this sweet burden, the burden of “the white man” among the barbarians.

What a stroke of luck! After all this time we have finally been accepted into the league of “white people”!

Our minds are so swollen with pride that we resolved to fully accept the role of Europeans and take upon ourselves the responsibility for our … colonial past. Why not? France used to occupy Algiers; Holland, Belgium and Portugal had also grabbed something; and Great Britain had actually seized control of nearly half the world… What about us? We’re Europeans too after all!

We also want to be colonizers!

We are “occupiers of the Promise Land” who have imposed our own European power on the native “Palestinian people”.

Wait a minute… France and Great Britain, and all those other Europeans had established their overseas empires because they craved for other people’s natural resources and wanted to take away their freedom. So they did it out of greed and a craving for power,

As for us, Jews, we have simply returned to our own Promised Land as G-d had instructed us and as predicted by our prophets.

Isn’t there a difference?

But we don’t feel the difference; we don’t understand it and don’t wish to, because for at least 200 years now our ability to feel and understand has been totally lacking.

If it were just them, just those who are accusing us of “occupying the Promised Land”, we would have somehow coped with it – this isn’t the first time they have accused Jews of various transgressions over the centuries!

But it isn’t about them! It’s all about us, Jews.

Nobody could have permitted the kind of situation that has developed in our own country except for us. There is nothing like it in any other country of the world!

Only we have managed to nurture a power elite that labors day and night to ensure our own demise. Our leaders travel around the world and impress upon “progressive mankind” the idea that the Jews can be considered “occupiers” of the Promised Land. This would never have occurred to the world’s other nations if it hadn’t been for the input of Israeli intellectuals.

Only the people of Israel could allow their own political and public leaders to encourage the governments of other countries to take steps against the government of the “Israeli aggressors”, that is, against our own government.

Only sons of the Jewish people could appeal to other nations, urging them to boycott Israeli manufacturers and institutions in order to punish the “occupiers”, that is, themselves.

Only we could have expelled our own people from the Promised Land, making our own – not somebody else’s land – “Judenfrei.”

Even those gentiles who fully understand that accusing Jews of having “occupied the Promised Land” is sheer nonsense, those who would like to show support for our people, have paused in bewilderment, because no one can find a rational explanation for our actions.

That is the core of the matter. This irrational behavior has become the norm for us from the moment we, Jews, decided to present ourselves as something we never were: as cosmopolitans, as “Englishmen”, “Frenchmen”, “Russians”, etc., depending on who was willing to host us.

And we are now adding to this the role of the European colonizer – “the occupier of the Promised Land”!

In the old times we used to have a more or less clear picture of ourselves: we made a covenant with G-d and accepted certain responsibilities; we then failed to fulfill them and as punishment

G-d dispersed us among 70 nations which bared their wolves’ teeth at the poor Jewish lamb. But never mind that, the time will come and the Redeemer will arrive, taking us back to our homeland.

The scenario may seem quite unsophisticated but it did allow us to persevere for nearly 2,000 years. And when we were being robbed and murdered, when things went from bad to worse, we did not lose heart but encouraged ourselves: “This year we are slaves; next year – free people. Now we are here – next year in Jerusalem.”

We were able to withstand every misfortune because we had an objective picture of the world and our place in it.

But from the moment we began to imagine ourselves as somebody other than ourselves, our thinking became muddled, our hearts turned into stone and our feelings withered. We completely lost our sense of self-preservation and our gift for predicting future events at least with a measure of clarity. We, the people of History, have allowed our perception of process to shatter to pieces. Things happen to us like a snowstorm on a summer day. Something “unexpected” constantly awaits us behind every corner, even though it was there, right in front of us, asking to be noticed.

For instance, we could not imagine what Hitler’s intentions might be even though he and his people had laid it out before us long before Auschwitz. We hurried into Stalin’s deadly embrace like moths attracted to the light of a flame, even though it was widely known that this monster had done away with all of our fiery Marxists in his Siberian concentration camps.

Today the same thing is happening with “Palestine” and the “Palestinian people”. We are supplying them with arms and creating all the conditions for the “Palestinians” to be able to do exactly what they are constantly clamoring about – destroy the “Zionist creation”. And once again they are warning us about our future openly and honestly.

But nothing seems to teach us a lesson. Again and again we walk into the lion’s den of our own free will.

Who could ever expect that we were going to behave that way in our own land? Remember, it was enough for a sufficient number of Jewish people to have their eyes opened and to realize how abnormal our 2,000 years of homelessness had made us, for the Zionist idea to be transformed into reality. This single fact was far more significant for the Zionist movement than Jewish persecution and pogroms.

The fathers of Zionism cherished the hope that we would come out of our stupor in our land as soon as we began to walk on our native soil, and that this would cure us of all our disorders, be they psychological, moral or emotional.

Perhaps they had underestimated what a sad shape we were in.

We needed something like “Palestine” to have our eyes opened at last and to see ourselves for what we really are.


Why did this happen? And did it have to be that way?

Apparently, it was bound to happen that way because otherwise we would have never found out that our exile was over.

Jewish legend tells us that conditions for the exodus of the Jews from Egypt were ripe only after the Jews had sunk to the 49th of the 50 mystical gates of impurity. It is impossible to rise after sinking to the 50th gate of impurity since that is synonymous with total degradation. But the 49th gate of impurity is not only one step away for complete human degradation but also the point of maximum tension, since it is at this climax that a fateful choice must be made: either to sink to the 50th gate of impurity or to escape from slavery and be free. Those who have not reached this point and sunk into such depravity can still deceive themselves with the illusory hope that things are not all that bad. But those who have sunk to the 49th gate of impurity no longer have any such illusions.

“Palestine” has proved to us that we, Jews, have already sunk to this 49th gate of impurity. Will we fall eternally, sinking to the 50th gate or will we escape from slavery?

Our attitude to “Palestine” is the single most important indicator of our choice.

It is not about the Arabs. In fact, the Arabs don’t need “Palestine” half as much as everyone else. It is necessary to us, Jews, because in the Hands of the Almighty “Palestine” is our main test.

We, Jews, have already failed a similar test once before. After our Exodus from Egypt we rejected the Promised Land and were destined to wander in the desert for 40 years as punishment, until all of the generation of slaves was dead. We don’t have the right to fail again, because unlike that other time we are now responsible not only for ourselves.

This time we are responsible for everyone – our choice determines whether it will be the Teaching of Life or the Teaching of Death that shall go forth from Zion.

Oh, He’s So Right, Iran’s President Ahmadinejad

January 2009


When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad climbs for the umpteenth time onto the podium to announce to the world his personal views on us, Jews, I don’t pay the slightest attention to his words.

Now what could he possibly say that is new and has never been suggested by his predecessors?

Oh, so the Jews are liars and the Holocaust is a hoax... What a surprising discovery! Is he the first to accuse us of lying? Already the ancient Greeks attacked us and called us phonies, claiming that we invented a G-d whom no one could see. There are no such gods, they yelled. European atheists too were fuming with indignation on account of Jewish lies – these deceitful Jews invented the Revelation at Mt. Sinai! Nothing like that ever happened, they clamored. In other words, Ahmadinejad is not alone… It takes guts to admit the special destiny of a people who are the witness of the Revelation.

Wow, the Jews are vampires and leaches who drink people’s blood? Honestly, couldn’t he think of something more original than that? Even the Popes were forced at some point to speak out against these pagan myths: their parishioners had become too uncomfortable with the bloody libel against the Jews. Alas, pagan beliefs are not so easy to destroy. They have managed to survive to this day.


And suddenly, what a pleasant surprise! Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad expressed a thought which wasn’t exactly original but definitely not one openly admitted.

Actually, this thought had occurred to me long ago, but I’m just an ordinary person, so the moment I made it public, I was promptly shushed into silence. The President of Iran is a different story. He has a vast audience – the entire world listens to what he has to say. So the moment he began speaking on this subject, I jumped with joy. Golly, here’s finally someone who thinks like I do.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke the absolute truth! He said that the creation of the Jewish state presents the Europeans with a unique opportunity to do away with the hateful Jews.

I agree with the Iranian President in this regard. Nevertheless, it is necessary to clarify some issues for this similarity of opinions to be complete.

The Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad asserts that the Jews fled to the land of their forefathers only because of European anti-Semitism. As the result, Europeans placed the Jews under a new threat, this time from the Muslims. Many others agree with the Iranian President’s position, from which it follows that the Jewish state would never have been created if the Jews hadn’t been persecuted in Europe.

Actually, this is not entirely true.

To begin with, generation after generation of Jews has repeated the same ritual pledge for the past 2,000: “Next year in Jerusalem.” All the Jews repeated it over and over again – those who lived among Europeans, and those who lived among peoples of Africa, and those who lived among peoples of Asia, including Iranians.

Secondly, European nationalism has proved to be extremely contagious. That’s why, even in those happy days when the Europeans and the Jews still believed in the success of emancipation and assimilation, the voices of Jewish nationalists could already be heard in the Jewish community. They expressed a burning desire, similar to that of all the peoples of Europe, to develop their own national culture in their own Jewish state. Incidentally, the influence of Europeans was felt in Iran as well, where Iranian nationalism was also awakened.

Thirdly, Europeans set the entire world into motion. People became more mobile and were now more inclined to migrate from their familiar places. That is why the Jews began to return to the land of their forefathers in greater numbers than ever before. Iranians too experienced European influence in this respect. Only they began to migrate in the opposite direction – moving from the land of their forefathers into the lands of other nations and creating a large Iranian Diaspora.

In short, in addition to European anti-Semitism, the Jews also had their own internal motives to begin their long-awaited exodus to the land of their forefathers.

What I agree with fully is Ahmadinejad’s proposition that the massive ingathering of the Jews in the Promised Land presents the Europeans with a unique opportunity to implement their intention to eliminate the hateful Jews, which had manifested itself with such intense enthusiasm during the era of the Third Reich.

These words will probably rub Europeans the wrong way.

Wait a minute! Don’t we respect the memory of the dead? Don’t we openly renounce Holocaust deniers and prosecute them? Don’t we don Jewish kippahs and lower our heads in commemoration of the victims of Auschwitz and Treblinka?

Enough already… It isn’t our victims Europeans are thinking about but themselves and how wonderful they are… They are trying to convince G-d (and also themselves) that the Holocaust in Europe was no more than an accident, and that they, Europeans, are actually very decent people and won’t do it again.

Who are they trying to fool?

G-d can’t be fooled. Only people can be deceived, particularly those of them who wish to be deceived.

Those who don’t want to be fooled can’t help but acknowledge that the strategic goal of the Europeans has not changed one little bit.

What has changed is their tactics. Europeans don’t kill Jews with their own hands now, but with other people’s – those of the “Palestinian people” to be more specific, a European invention.


With the idea that “Palestinians” are Muslims whom we, Jews, are fighting over a piece of land being drilled so consistently into our heads, we have almost forgotten that there has never – neverin the entire history of Muslim rule of the Promised Land – been such a land as Palestine or people called “Palestinians.”

The name “Palestine” was introduced by Europeans almost 2,000 years ago, and, quite symbolically, this was done to erase all memory of the Jews who called their country the Land of Israel.

There we no “Palestinian people” consisting of both Muslims and Christians – and could not have been any – until the Promised Land was conquered by Europeans. This new model of “a people” was imported from Europe, whereas Islam traditionally recognized a totally different model, known as the ummah, which meant “a community of believers.”

The Promised Land has never been a single administrative entity under Muslim rule. The “Palestinian” administration was established by the British during their mandate, which, incidentally, was entrusted to them by the League of Nations for the sole purpose of helping the Jews to “secure the establishment of the Jewish national home,” as it was then called.

But the British built a “Palestinian home” instead by setting up a “Palestinian” administration and placing the notorious Mufti, Haj Amin Al-Husseini at its head. The British looked the other way while this “Palestinian” leader traveled around the world, spreading false rumors to turn the Muslims against the Jews. But once the Grand Mufti became stronger and resorted to violence against the British themselves, he was instantly subdued.

After Haj Amin Al-Husseini was expelled by the British he found himself under the protection of other European leaders. First Mussolini took the Grand Mufti under his wing, and after fleeing to Nazi Germany Al-Husseini met with Hitler at his secret command post, where the “Palestinian dignitary” received a warm welcome. Al-Husseini served the common cause with the utmost zeal and dedication: he incorporated Muslims into the SS, lobbied extensively to prevent Jews from escaping Germany, and persuaded the Nazis to resolve the “Jewish question” as quickly as possible. Hitler promised none other than the Grand Mufti Al-Husseini to do away with the Jews in the Promised Land as soon as the German troops got there.

Despite the fact that the Mufti's role in war crimes was well documented, he succeeded in avoiding prosecution by the Nuremberg Trials – in this, too, he was assisted by the Europeans. They passed him from hand to hand as a precious jewel, until, after a brief period of detention in a French jail, he ended up in Egypt, among his own people.


Doesn’t this ring the bell? Isn’t history repeating itself again?

Most amazing in this similarity is the unifying role of continuity which brings together all Europeans.

“What could there be in common between Great Britain and the Soviet Union?” one may ask. True, Great Britain and Russia have been on opposite sides of the fence in virtually every respect, and this made them oppose each other throughout history, except for brief periods of wartime when they “collaborated” in fighting against a common enemy.

The “Palestinian” people made them join hands. Invented by the British, “Palestinians” immediately found themselves under Soviet protection no sooner did the British become less responsive to the “Palestinian” cause.

The USSR raised the significance of the “Palestinian issue” to new, universal heights. The Soviets trained the “Palestinians” how to kill the Jews and supported all kinds of “Palestinian” criminals, so long as this helped destroy at least a single Jewish life.

Perhaps someone may insist that there is absolutely no connection between the support the Soviet Union showed for the “Palestinians” and the Holocaust of European Jewry. There is a connection… It was behind the walls of Soviet academies that “Palestinian scholars” received their instruction and were taught how to deny the Holocaust from “a scientific” standpoint. Soviet “experts and scholars” knew very well why they were giving this kind of instruction to the current President of the Palestinian Autonomy Mahmoud Abbas during his graduate studies at the People’s Friendship University in Moscow.

However, shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the “Palestinian people,” an all-European treasure, became the main concern of the European Union.

The Oslo Accords brought to the surface everything that had until then been sizzling deep inside the soul of Europe. Was there anyone among the Europeans who sincerely failed to see these accords for what they actually were: the beginning of a new “final solution of the Jewish question,” only one accomplished by different means?

Everybody understood that. That is exactly why, immediately after Oslo, the European press began to openly and unapologetically discuss how the world would look once the Jewish state finally ceased to exist. Europeans no longer needed to mask there feelings or intentions. When the French Ambassador to Great Britain talked about “this shitty little country, Israel” he was basically saying that if only this “shitty little country” didn't exist how wonderful it would be! And his British colleagues understood him perfectly well.

It’s amazing how well Europeans understand each other in everything that brings destruction to the Jews.

“The Jews are occupiers of the Holy Land and Jerusalem!”

The Europeans vote “yes.”

“Israeli generals are criminals because they defend the life of Jews!”

The Europeans once again vote “yes.”

A boycott of Israeli goods, followed by a proposed academic boycott of Israeli universities – all this arms-twisting increases in momentum and pushes forcefully against the fragile wall of European discomfort with the recent bloody past. It remains only to wait until this tide completely washes away the last remaining feeble disagreements with the virulent campaign of attacks against the Jewish state.

How did we, Jews, deserve any of this?

Just by still being around, by breathing and walking this earth!


The Muslims in general and the Arabs in particular have little to do with any of this. It was not they who created the “Palestinian people” and the “Palestinian problem.”

The “Palestinian people” embody the long-time hope of the Europeans to finish with Arab hands what they themselves had failed to accomplish in Europe during the time of the Third Reich.

Some could insist that Europeans support the “Palestinians” out of economic and humanitarian concerns. But the “Palestinian cause” is like a black hole in which all funding immediately vanishes, because the money is being used exclusively to wage war against the Jews. Have the Europeans forgotten their math? Of course, not. One does not weigh one’s investments only when they are used in pursuit of a sacred goal. And war against the Jews is sacred to the Europeans.

Others could say that Europeans are interested in preserving stability in the Arab world. That makes no sense, since the very existence of the “Palestinian people” threatens and undermines this stability. After the Europeans divided the Muslim world into different countries, every one of them faced the necessity to curb its own extremist elements. “Palestinian” independence is the most frightening of all scenarios for Muslim states, because “Palestine” has long become the banner of extremism.

Then again, someone might say that Europeans believe that resolving the “Palestinian problem” will lead to improved relations between Arabs and Jews. But Europeans have done everything they could to make such an improvement impossible in principle. The mere fact that Europeans invented the self-identity of “Palestinians” and attribute to them the right to the Promised Land transforms the Arabs into zombies.

The “Palestinian people” have been invented to replace the Jewish people; they have been created to destroy Jews. Only out and out hypocrites can demand that the “Palestinians” desist from terror tactics. How can they abandon that which was imposed on them as their life’s purpose?

Europeans are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.


There is no trace of logic in any of the explanations that Europeans try to give to their unequivocal support of “Palestine.” There is logic only in that which defies explanation by its very nature:

Europeans hate G-d, and they are avenging the Jews for their 2,000 years of suffering.

For the past 2,000 years the Jews have tormented their imagination. Everything that the Arabs are clamoring about today, which is being received in Europe with a show of horror – Jews being accused of cannibalism, “The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion” which purports to be a plan for world Jewish domination, etc., all of this nonsense is actually the fruit of fantasy of the Europeans themselves.

They were burning not only the Jews but also their own Church in the furnaces of the Holocaust. And this did not start with Hitler. Long before the Holocaust Europeans accused the Jews of imposing upon them their own G-d through the Christian faith.

Nothing has changed in Europe after the Holocaust. Quite on the contrary, the Europeans have become even more adamant in their rejection of the One who, atop the Mt. Sinai, strictly outlawed everything that the inhabitants of Europe find so attractive: the non-traditional multiple-member families in Sweden, homosexual marriages and pedophile political parties.

Europeans find the return of the Jews to the Promised Land impossible to bear. This could mean to them that G-d has not been invented by the Jews, but that He is alive and things happen according to His plan. That is why the rebuilding of the Jewish state further agitated European fantasies, and they are now screaming at every corner that the Jews have occupied the Holy Land and Jerusalem. There is no better way to renounce the One who said:

“…all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever…”

Europeans are prepared to die, so long as they don’t hear the sound of This Voice.

That is why Europeans are embracing, supporting and financing those who intend to blow up their own homes and kill their own families, those who want to destroy European holy sites and spit the people of Europe in the face.

Let them only get rid of the Jews! Europeans will forgive them anything for that…

The Arabs and the Muslims are not to blame for what is now taking place. It is the Europeans who created this situation…


True, it is unpopular to say things like that. This view is particularly unpopular in Europe where G-d has long since become irrelevant. But facts speak for themselves: of all the false accusations which Europeans have thrust upon us throughout history, this one – the claim that “the Jews have occupied Palestine and Jerusalem – is perhaps the most ridiculous and also the least disguised.

This explains why it made me so happy to discover that there’s at least one man on earth who called the spade a spade – that man is the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

He is right, right a thousand times: the rebuilding of the Jewish state has created unheard of opportunities for Europeans to get rid of the Jews.

Arafat who was adored in Europe knew this very well, and he always ran for assistance to the Europeans, who created and protected him.

Prominent Hamas leaders are also aware of this, and they are simply waiting for Europe to stop putting on a spin and to find a way to support them as well.

There is no doubt that the Europeans will support them in the end, just as they will give their support to anyone who pursues the same goal, because they see in the ingathering of the Jews in the Promised Land a great opportunity to complete the mission started in Europe during the days of the Third Reich.

Only this time they can use others to further their cause.

G-d’s Servant or Satrap?
(A Purim Tale About the Aryan Peoples and Jewry)

March 11. 2009

Like people, like holiday – “unlike any other”

Just as most Jewish holidays, Purim has many different angles.

We can smell it coming immediately upon entering any supermarket. That is understandable, since food is a very important element of every Jewish holiday. The first thing we see by the store entrance is a pile of Hamentashen – the traditional Jewish cookies for Purim.

Purim is also a carnival. Here is a conversation I overheard: “Mom, what is a Brazilian carnival?” – a child asks. – “It’s their version of Purim,” – the mother replies. No wonder, all Jewish kids start getting ready for this holiday very early, waiting impatiently for it to start. As soon as the Purim carnival is over, they begin thinking about their costume for next year’s Purim.

While celebrating Purim, Jews express their unity and solidarity by presenting each other with food baskets filled with all kinds of delicacies.

Purim is a holiday of national pride. The Jews celebrate their victory over their most bitter enemies. So, they wanted to destroy us? Instead, we beat the living daylights out of them.

Anthropologists are convinced that many other peoples have holidays similar to our Purim. There is a reason for that. Every nation has to have at least one day a year when people can do whatever they want, something they cannot afford doing on a regular basis. Is it not fun to see a man dressed in a woman’s attire and vice versa? Of course, such behavior is forbidden at other times. Drinking alcohol is greatly encouraged during Purim celebrations so that each person should get so drunk that he or she cannot distinguish between Haman the villain and the righteous man, Mordecai.

Purim is a very special holiday.

Like Hanukkah, it is considered to be a festival, not a holy day. These two minor holidays do not prohibit engaging in 39 categories of work, the way Shabbat and other Jewish holidays do. Though Purim is a holiday, people do not take a day off from work.

However, our sages predicted that a time would come when Jews will celebrate only two holidays – Hanukkah and Purim. It is not difficult to guess why they thought so. On Hanukkah and Purim, Jews engage in their eternal dialogue not only with G-d Himself but with other nations as well.

But there is also a distinct difference between these two holidays. Purim mainly pertains to galut – the centuries-long dispersion of the Jewish people among other nations of the world. Jewish people are “unlike any other”, a nation that dwells alone and is not counted among the other nations. That is why there is no other Jewish holiday that deals with the problem of Good and Evil the way Purim does.

The Ideas of the Aryans

It is amazing that all the events described in the Megillah Esther (the Book of Esther) take place in that same Persian Empire, where King Koresh, widely known as Cyrus, issued his proclamation allowing Jews to return to Israel and rebuild the Jerusalem Temple, which was destroyed by the Babylonians. Precisely among the Aryan people, thanks to whom the Jews were able to restore their main sacred place of worship, they confronted the threat of annihilation for the first time.

But there is something else to it that is surprising. Those same Aryan peoples that produce “Hamans”, since the times of Esther and Mordecai have also created what we know as the Jewish elite. This was not a coincidence, because the ideas, which shaped Jewry, were born in the environment of the Aryan peoples.

The Idea of State

Of course, we have no doubt that all the actions of King Cyrus were directed by G-d Himself Who ordered the king to restore the Temple of Jerusalem. But we also know the pragmatic, so to speak, goal of the Persian king. Cyrus set himself up in contrast with the Babylonians by doing the opposite of what they did. Whereas they destroyed the temples of conquered nations, Cyrus, on the contrary, was rebuilding them. So, his rebuilding activities had to do not only with the Temple of the G-d of Israel but with the temples of other gods as well.

As it happens with most brilliant ideas, this idea was quite simple. Cyrus was creating local elites loyal to him, ones which were interested in the stability of central power and did not resent it. This idea helped Cyrus to build the entire Persian Empire (naturally, he had to use military force in order to “explain” the idea to those who did not get it).

It is hard to tell what would have been the outcome of the king’s idea if not for the Jews who realized that G-d was giving them a unique opportunity to recreate themselves in a new spiritual way. As soon as this occurred to them, a new Jewish elite was born.

It was in the same Persia, where Ezra and Nehemiah were born and grew up. And, yes, ironically, it was the same land where Haman was born as well. Both Ezra and Nehemiah left for Jerusalem with direct assistance from the Persian monarchs. As for Nehemiah, he was even promoted to a high position at the king’s court, as was Mordecai, Esther’s uncle. The king commissioned Nehemiah to go to Jerusalem twice. To put things under control, so to speak.

The Persian king encouraged the Jewish Diaspora to establish connections with Jerusalem. The king himself ordered to bring back the treasures looted by the Babylonians. More than that, he later donated his own money to support the Temple services. He obviously wanted the Jewish G-d to be his protector, and he also wished his subordinates to recognize their master’s presence. (The truth is that Cyrus showed generosity not only towards the G-d of Jews but towards other gods as well, but we, of course, are interested primarily in what happened to our Temple.) Who knows whether the Jews themselves would have been so willing to open their coffers if they did not have to follow the Persian king’s example. It is well known – the king’s example is an order for his subjects.

But this was not the last and only idea borrowed by our revered ancestors from the Aryans of Asia. After the Second Jerusalem Temple was destroyed, the Jews came back to the rivers of Babylon where the Persian monarchs still ruled. There, in two cities, Sura and Pumpedita, the Jewish sages established great yeshivas – academies of learning, and completed their work on the Talmud, which became known as the Babylonian Talmud. Their authoritative commentaries reached Jewish communities all over the world. These leading rabbinical academies became a center, which attracted representatives of local Jewish elites who studied the Law in order to then return to their communities. That is how the Jews became united by one common Law though they were dispersed among other nations of the world.

What an astonishing feat, one of truly imperial proportions! Well, again it was happening in the Persian Empire. And since the Aramaic language was the official language of the land, it began to play a significant role for the Jewry. This language was widely used not only by the common folks after they came back from Babylon but by the Jewish scholars as well. While Hebrew has been kept alive over the millennia, it is worth mentioning that the most important texts, including the Talmud and prayers, were written in Aramaic.

Since then, every educated Jew is expected to know the Aramaic language.

Centuries flew by. A new Jewish hero emerged suggesting new ideas of statehood to the Jewish people. The name of this great Jewish man was Theodore Herzl. He was born and grew up in another Aryan environment, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, also known as Austria-Hungary. And, yes, ironically, it was the same land where Adolf Hitler was born and grew up.

It is a fact that Jews attempted to return to Jerusalem some time before Herzl. The First Aliyah, twenty years prior to Herzl’s era, was even quite successful but it lost its momentum very quickly. Then Herzl came with his new ideas, and everything instantly changed. Everything became well defined and organized in a typical Aryan style. Organizations, offices, banks – all these institutions made it possible to unite the Diaspora once again and to restore the state.

What a coincidence! Remember, Ezra and Nehemiah also came from an Aryan environment bringing new ideas when the first group of repatriates lost their enthusiasm, though they were headed by the descendants of kings and high priests.

The choice of language is another coincidence. What language should Jews speak in their rebuilt state? German, of course. Since it is the language of cultured and educated people, every well-educated Jew is expected to speak German. The real battle over the German language broke out in 1913. This battle was led by German Jews, the Jewish elite, who were on the same page with Herzl in terms of what language to choose. They insisted on the use of German at the educational establishment, which eventually became the Haifa Technion.

Two prominent Jews, who determined the destiny of modern Jewry, used this Aryan, i.e. German, language to write their works. Theodore Herzl wrote his major book, “Der Judenstaat” - “The Jewish State” and Karl Marx wrote his “Das Kapital”. (This should serve as a reminder to those who threw a fit when Angela Merkel, one of our few and sincere European friends, spoke German at the Knesset.)

Too many coincidences? No, there is a certain logic in all this, because since the times of Ezra and Nehemiah we, Jews, have been influenced by the ideas of the Aryan peoples from Asia and Europe. It would be a huge mistake to think that everything we consider to be Jewish, is Jewish indeed.

No, we learned it all from the Aryan peoples.

The Idea of Race

The Idea of State was not the only one Ezra and Nehemiah brought with them from Persia. There was another one, and it dealt with the issue of race.

The historical facts are well known. Ezra and Nehemiah banned the locals from participation in rebuilding the Second Temple. They strongly demanded that those Jews who returned from Babylonian exile, divorce their wives. That was quite a new development, since in the era of the First Temple Jews ignored the decree to distance themselves from Canaanite tribes. Not only the common folks but even kings would marry non-Jewish women. King David, whose mother was a Moabite, was not the least bit concerned about the ethnic origin of his wife, to say nothing of King Solomon who turned his harem into a likeness of the United Nations.

But two men born in Persia – Ezra and Nehemiah – were relentless in this respect because they brought with them a new concept – zera kodesh – “holy seed”.

Yet again, centuries flew by. Now it was in the Aryan environment in Europe that the Jews encountered the idea of race. Precisely in the atmosphere of German culture Theodore Herzl came to the conclusion that Jews should not mix with other nations. Jews are “a nation that dwells alone”, and due to their very nature they cannot assimilate and integrate themselves into any other nation, which is why they are rejected by their host nations. It is ironic that nobody came up with such an interpretation in neighboring France, where Jews, satisfied by equal civil rights granted to them, stubbornly ignored the innate anti-Semitism prevalent in French society.

As for Germany, already during Herzl’s time, a man by the name of Alfred Rosenberg was masterminding his own racial theory, which became the ideological basis for Nazi policy. We all know what happened when the Nazis implemented this theory into practice – it claimed the lives of some 6 million European Jews.

The Idea of Religion

There is, however, yet another idea of Aryan origin – and this one played a major role in the destiny of the Jewish nation. It is the idea of religious dualism, which was at the core of the pre-Islamic faith of the Persians, known as Zoroastrianism.

Some people speak of the Aryan version of Zoroastrianism as a religion, which they claim to be very close to the monotheism of the Jews. But this point of view is erroneous, since everything is ultimately determined by the answer to the basic problem of all times – and that is the question of Good and Evil.

Polytheism resolves this issue quite simply. Each god is assigned a certain role, and everybody knows which god to appeal to, what to ask for, and who to blame if things go wrong.

Persian dualism limits theism only to two gods – the God of Good and the God of Evil. The first one is called Ohrmazd and the second one, Ahriman. Though in the future Ohrmazd is destined to defeat Ahriman (supposedly, this will result in monotheism), a clear distinction still exists between Good and Evil, which helps people to understand how this world is designed: everything Good comes from the Good God, and all Evil comes from the Evil God.

Such a simplistic solution becomes impossible in monotheism because everything comes from One single source – G-d Who Is Good. Thus, monotheism forces mankind to search for an answer to a natural but seemingly irresolvable question: if God is Good, why then is there so much Evil in this world?

Jews answered this question in the times of the Second Temple. The ancient scrolls found in the caves by the Dead Sea provide a detailed response with clear traces of the influence of Aryan dualism.

Yes, G-d is One, and G-d is Good. The world represents Evil. It cannot be saved, it can only be destroyed. But G-d will save people, not all of them, of course, only those who observe a certain Code.

People, who observe this Code, are called the Sons of Light. Those who don’t observe it are called the Sons of Darkness, and they don’t have any chances to survive.

Jews Are the Enemies of Mankind

If the Jews themselves were uncertain about how to approach the issue of Good and Evil within a monotheistic faith, was it in any way surprising that the rest of mankind, when introduced to monotheism, should become utterly bewildered? Well, not exactly. Deeply traumatized by the monotheistic experience the non-Jews decided to come up with a teaching of their own, widely known as Gnosticism.

In short, the basic idea is as follows. Nobody argues that G-d is One, and He is Good. That is why He never even intended to create this world because He was fully aware of the dire consequences. Nevertheless, the material world was created. This was not done by the Good G-d but by somebody called the Demiurge who disobeyed G-d. For starters, this deity, the Demiurge is, in fact, Yahweh, the G-d that the Jews are telling everybody about. So, that was who the Jews actually met at Mount Sinai? The case is clear. The Demiurge, being Evil, had chosen this awful, disgusting people, who have become the enemy of all mankind.

In this way Aryan dualism revealed its incompatibility with Jewish monotheism. The Aryan peoples took revenge on the Jews by declaring all nations to be the Sons of Light, and only the Jews to be the Sons of Darkness, subjecting them to annihilation. That is why the spirit of Amalek abhorred by the Jews (according to legend, not only Haman was his descendant but also Ashkenaz who gave Germany its Hebrew name) gradually becomes implanted into the minds of all world’s nations, each time when they have to deal with monotheism. It is not at all surprising, because they constantly have to solve the painful problem of Good and Evil. The same age-old question arises: If G-d is Good why is there so much Evil in the world? And, most importantly: Who is responsible for the World’s Evil?

They have found their own answer to this question. It is the Jews. The Jews are responsible for the World’s Evil.

That is why each generation comes up with a new Haman, who suggests the same solution that the Persian Haman once presented to king Ahasuerus: “And Haman said unto king Ahasuerus. There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of thy kingdom; and their laws are diverse from all of people… therefore it is not for the king’s profit to suffer them”.

However, we celebrate Purim because we all know: this problem is eternal. Besides, our sages warned us that at the end of days, when all the nations are united, the spirit of Amalek will become omnipresent and will invade every nation.

This means that he will invade the Jewish people as well.

And Japheth Dwells in the Tent of Shem

Why, why was all that necessary?

Why do the non-Jews need monotheism? They could have lived comfortably with their gods without all these headaches. And Jews? What were they thinking when they allowed access to monotheism to non-Jews? They could have lived in isolation, by themselves, keeping their secrets and serving their G-d while contemplating and trying to find the answer to the eternal question: If G-d is Good why is there so much Evil in the world?

But this is not how it happened. The Aryan peoples and Jewry are inseparable, as this alliance was planned by the Lord: G-d shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the Tents of Shem.

The Aryan Peoples in the Tent of Shem

It is amazing how life proved the magical power of these words. Shem and Japheth represent two metaphysical roots of mankind. The creative Aryan peoples descended from one root, Japheth. The other root, Shem, was the forefather of Jewry that brought to this world the idea of One G-d. But there came a time when all the Aryan nations of Europe and the Middle East entered the Tent of Shem, as it was prescribed, and began their creative work, building civilization, as it was planned for Japheth because G-d Himself promised to enlarge him.

However, at a certain point Japheth felt that there was not enough room for him in the Tent of Shem. He felt constricted. The Aryan peoples were eager to create and to glorify the results of their creative efforts. But this was held to be a sin in the Tent of Shem. The Aryan peoples craved to understand the outside world. But in the Tent of Shem it would amount to heretical free thought.

That revealed a problem at the very foundation of the Tent of Shem. This problem was exacerbated because of another idea Ezra and Nehemiah brought with them from Persia. No other than Haman himself spelled it out when he finally realized why he hated Mordecai so much and why all Mordecai’s fellow Jews should be annihilated: “And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not down, nor prostrated himself before him, then was Haman full of wrath.”

But Mordecai, as all his fellow Jews, could not bow precisely because G-d had given him Freedom on the Tablets, and from that moment he obeyed only G-d. G-d’s servant cannot serve Man – this is the fundamental precept of the Jewish faith. The faith of the Aryan peoples, on the contrary, is based on the concept that a man can serve Man. This is precisely why the Persian Empire has enriched the world’s vocabulary with the word “Satrap”, which has become a symbol of unconditional obedience of one man to another.

The Jews failed to see the substitution in the ideas of Ezra and Nehemiah. They failed to notice how G-d’s servants turned into satraps who usurped power in G-d’s Name.

But the Aryan peoples discovered that when they received the Freedom on the Tablets in the Tent of Shem.

Jewry in the Tent of Japheth

Having made this discovery the Aryan peoples said: “Enough is enough. We will build our own Tent, in which there will be space for everyone – poets and scientists. Art and science will flourish, and Japheth will be able to create civilization. That was the purpose G-d had in mind when He enlargedJapheth”.

After building a Tent of their own, the Aryan peoples decided to establish a new order, very different from the one in the Tent of Shem. According to this new order, no one could stand in the way of enlarged Japheth in G-d’s Name. Thus the Aryan peoples produced a new idea – and that was the separation of state and religion.

Actually, the Aryan peoples meant well. They did not rebel against G-d. The only thing they sincerely wanted was to have Freedom on the Tablets – to protect G-d from those who could not tell the difference between G-d’s servants and satraps.

The only problem was that the Aryan peoples became involved in something that was not intended for them. It was the descendants of Shem who were supposed to build the Tent, i.e. the Jewry, not the descendants of Japheth. The explanation for this is quite simple: only the Jews keep the patent on monotheism, while the Aryan peoples have the patent on dualism.

It did not take long for the eternal problem of Good and Evil to ignite a conflict in the new Tent. The Aryan peoples started reflecting on civilization and trying to decide whether it was Good or Evil.

- No doubt, it is Good, - they answered. - It improves people’s lives and makes it possible for Man to uncover the secrets of G-d’s Creation. Didn’t G-d give people reason for them to be able to understand the world? Didn’t G-d make Man in His image so that Man could create civilization?

- What then is Evil?

- Religion is Evil because it restricts the freedom of enlarged Japheth.

- But who invented such a religion?

In answering this question, the Aryan peoples looked at Jewry from a different angle, through the prism of their own dualism.

- If we, Aryans, are the creators of civilization and what we create is Good, it means that we are the Sons of Light. And those who stand in our way, imposing upon us their G-d, they bring Evil to this world, and they, undoubtedly are the Sons of Darkness.

The Aryan peoples did not notice when monotheism turned into dualism and G-d became an Absolute who is above all earthly matters. That led the Aryan peoples to the inevitable question: Who then did the Jews meet at Mount Sinai?

The answer was obvious to them: “These cheaters, the Jews, were telling us lies about their G-d in order to seize control over the world”. The Aryan peoples began making fun of the G-d given Book of the Jews, the one they had honored before. They now called it just a fantasy of an unrefined and uneducated people.

That was how the civilized Aryan peoples became the Sons of Light, and the primitive Jews became the Sons of Darkness.

The Aryan peoples were missing just one important point: civilization is Good only in the Tent of Shem. In the Tent of Japheth civilization inevitably becomes Evil since it gives men power that shouldn’t be theirs which triggers unrestrained desire to subdue other people.

After obtaining this power, the Aryan peoples began to enslave other world nations. They brought forth the cruelest dictators – Fuhrers, Duce and General Secretaries. They were all different on a personal level, and they had different “beliefs” but they had one thing in common, and that was the dualistic perception of Good and Evil.

Their ideals represented Good, and the world represented Evil. This world had to be destroyed entirely so that their “gods” could triumph. They all worshipped Death and that required millions of victims. And they all divided mankind into the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness where Jews always belonged to the latter.

Our sages warned us for a reason: at the end of days, when the world becomes united, the spirit of Amalek will spread among the nations of the world and invade each of them.

So, where does the spirit of Amalek dwell?

There is something useful, however, that came about as the result of all this. Thanks to the Aryan peoples, Jewry finally understood that the Tent of Shem that was built according the layout of Ezra and Nehemiah was not spacious enough for the Jews. When they realized that, they decided to build a new Tent of Shem – a state of their own where they could enlarge Japheth and open up more space for him. They would then be able to place everything created by Japheth – science, technology, art, literature, medicine – in the new Tent of Shem.

So they did it and with much success.

Only one problem remained. The Architects were the same ones as in the past, so they could build only the way they had learned from Ezra and Nehemiah. That is why when asked the question: What is civilization - Good or Evil? - they answered: “Civilization is Evil; because of it the Jews stopped obeying their spiritual leaders”

And the Architects began to shrink the Tent until the enlargedJapheth ran out of space…

It occurred so unnoticeably that nobody even paid any attention to it.

Who knows whether the New Tent of Shem could have survived at all if not for the 1,000,000 new Jews, who entered it.

G-d held them isolated in the “Red Babylon”, behind the Iron Curtain, separating them from the rest of the world’s Jewry. He had a plan for them: to regenerate the Jews so that they could learn how to build such a Tent of Shem where Japheth would be enlarged. This learning process lasted 70 years. Those were years of slavery in unbearable conditions because these Jews also had to learn how to resist oppression. That is why these Jews spent exactly the same amount of time in the “Red Babylon” as Ezra and Nehemiah did on the banks of Babylon’s rivers.

There, in “Red Babylon”, this regenerated Jewry eventually forgot everything that Ezra and Nehemiah had taught the Jewish people. But they also learned something important that Ezra and Nehemiah could not possibly have known: only Civilization gives Man Freedom on the Tablets. Without Civilization, Man will fall victim to Satraps”.

Jewry from “Red Babylon” has been returning to Jerusalem empowered with this knowledge. It entered the New Tent of Shem believing that it is spacious enough for enlarged Japheth. But, no – there was not enough room for him.

So Jewry from “Red Babylon” asked the Architects of the Tent of Shem:

- Why is there not enough room here?

The Architects of the Tent responded:

- Because it was Japheth who had been enlarged. As for Jews, they have to live the way our ancestors had lived from generation to generation, starting from the times of Ezra and Nehemiah.

Then Jewry from “Red Babylon” asked the Architects of the Tent of Shem:

- But it can all be changed. The main purpose of civilization is to help the Sons of Israel to learn how to live a different life. Why is it then that those who do not produce civilization are so welcomed and honored; they spend day and night in yeshivas, while those who are capable of creating civilization are sweeping the streets and working as security guards?

And the Architects of the Tent responded:

- Those who study at yeshivas are “true Jews”. They honor our Law, and that is why they are the Sons of Light. On the contrary, those who create civilization are “false Jews”. They do not honor our Law, and that is why they are the Sons of Darkness. Why are they sweeping the streets and working as security guards? That’s where they belong.

Then Jewry from “Red Babylon” asked the Architects of the Tent of Shem:

- But without civilization, will not the Sons of Israel be poor and socially weak?

The Architects of the Tent responded:

- You are now talking about earthly matters, you wicked people. The Sons of Light must think about eternity, not about this miserable material world. The Sons of Darkness – they have to think about this miserable material world. It is also their responsibility to feed the Sons of Light.

Then Jewry from “Red Babylon” asked the Architects of the Tent of Shem:

- But how will the Sons of Israel survive? Without civilization they will die, it already happened 200 years ago, in Jerusalem, because they did not have anybody to tend to them?

The Architects of the Tent responded:

- Who lives and who dies is in G-d’s hands. G-d giveth, G-d taketh away.

Then Jewry from “Red Babylon” asked the Architects of the Tent of Shem:

- Who then will fight the enemies of the Sons of Israel, if everybody will want to be the Son of Light and will refuse to serve in the army?

The Architects of the Tent responded:

The Sons of Israel do not fear any enemies. If the enemy attacks it will be confronted by an angel with a fiery sword and the angel will save them. He will not save all of them, of course, but only the Sons of Light. The Sons of Darkness are destined to perish.

Jewry from “Red Babylon” finally asked the Architects of the Tent of Shem:

- Why then didn’t the angel save 6.000.000 Sons of Israel?

The Architects of the Tent responded:

- Will you stop repeating it over and over again: “Sons of Israel”, “Sons of Israel”!? Yes, the Sons of Israel will perish. So what? All that will happen in this world, which is Evil. Can you imagine what reward awaits those Sons of Israel who will be saved?

The Aryan circle has been completed. Again, as our sages warned us: the time will come when the spirit of Amalek will invade the Jewish people.

Happy Purim!

So, Purim – this very special holiday – is here.

All Jewish people cheer and make merry on this day. They eat Hamentashen in abundance, present each other with gifts, and pour into the streets in our Jewish version of the Brazilian carnival.

However, when each holiday comes, a Jew has a dialogue with eternity and asks probing questions. Purim, probably, is the best holiday for that.

So why not ask yourself during Purim: has not the time come for Jewry to pay back what we owe the Aryan peoples? Isn’t it time to build a Tent of Shem, which will be spacious enough for enlarged Japheth, so that civilization can become Good, not Evil?

Since the Jews are not building such a Tent, should we be surprised that a new Haman has already emerged and, once again, it is happening in Persia? He strives to rule the world, because he knows what kind of power civilization brings. He makes public speeches about a monotheistic G-d though, in fact, he is a proponent and preacher of Aryan dualism. This is obvious, judging by how he deals with the problem of Good and Evil. As all dualists, this new Haman, hates peace and glorifies Death; he divides mankind into the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness, naturally placing Jews into the latter category.

Why is present-day Jewry so intimidated by this new Haman?

Probably the answer lies in the fact that Jews no longer understand the difference between G-d’s servant and satrap.

The European* Lie called Durban

April 2009

The UN conference on combating racism, held this year in Geneva, Switzerland, was unofficially referred to as “Durban-2”, since this very word “durban” had by that time acquired an emblematic meaning. In 2001 certain events took place in the city of Durban, South Africa, which made the first conference on the issues of racism notoriously known.

In the course of the UN conference in Durban, it became clear that many vital, critical problems, tearing apart the entire world community, were not even addressed by the participants. As for the problems that were addressed, the participants failed to offer any solutions to them.

However, the Durban conference succeeded in one respect: it found a scapegoat to blame for all the world’s problems. Naturally, it was the Jewish people, in general, who were accused of being responsible for all the world’s ills and the State of Israel, in particular. This general sentiment expressed itself in the participants’ hate-spewing, inflammatory rhetoric, the gist of which was that Hitler was right.

The Europeans who witnessed the tragic events of the Holocaust, and some of whom actually participated in the annihilation of Jews in Europe, did their best to distance themselves from this virulently anti-Semitic UN-backed spectacle. They wanted to demonstrate that they, Europeans, were appalled with what had happened in Durban. They feel strongly about it and firmly disagree. How can anyone doubt that they regret what had happened to European Jewry? They view themselves as a solid guarantee to the continued existence of the State of Israel, as sincere friends of the Jewish state. No, they will never let it happen again.


No wonder, that on the eve of the Durban-2 conference Israelwas watching very closely how the Europeans would react to it. The Israelis were pleased to learn that – yes, a couple of European states refused to participate. And even those who agreed, walked out of the hall as soon as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stepped onto the podium to make his speech, since its anti-Semitic content was well known beforehand.

This naïve trust the Israelis place in the Europeans is explained by the fact that the Israelis believe in words and theatrical gestures, like demonstratively walking out of the conference hall. Meanwhile, the Europeans should be judged only by their actions, because these actions reveal their Big Lie. These actions are quite clear to those who are able and, more importantly, willing to know the truth. They consist of producing two offspring of European design – the Palestinian people and the United Nations.

Their creation was more than enough to make “durban” inevitable.

It is common knowledge that “the Palestinian people” emerged only after the League of Nations gave Britain a mandate to govern Palestine. There was never such “a people” before, and Palestine never existed as a separate administrative entity. Though the 20th century witnessed the emergence of many new nations, nobody seemed to care much about them or their problems. The only exception was made for “the Palestinian people”, and for that the Europeans should definitely be given a lot of credit. Not only did the Europeans “give birth” to this so-called nation, they also fostered it, invested billions of dollars and created artificial conditions for a demographic boom, sending a message to “the Palestinians”: Be fruitful and multiply; settle in large numbers in the Land of Palestine.

What did “the Palestinian people” do to deserve it? Well, there is one thing they are taking credit for: they fight the Jews. That is the pride and glory of “the Palestinian people”. Whatever they do – hijack planes, blow up buses, abuse their own population, create an atmosphere of corruption and elevate suicide bombers to the status of heroes, brainwashing the Palestinian youth – the Europeans accept all such actions for one and only reason – because “the Palestinians” intend to expel the Jews, who have “occupied” the land of Holy Palestine.

If not for the Europeans, “the Palestinians”, with such a list of accomplishments, would have never become the darlings of the entire mankind. This privileged status was bestowed upon them by the second creation of the Europeans – the United Nations. The Europeans, after fighting several wars with each other for the right to govern the world, finally came to conclusion that war is not the answer. The answer lies in creating a World Government, which would make it possible to govern the world. Thus, the League of Nations was founded after World War I, with the US originating the idea, and after World War II - the United Nations.

So what is the result of the UN’s governing the world? This World Government has not solved a single problem but has created plenty. Nations are still at war with each other, people are still starving, and nations continue to hate each other. But if each nation in the past knew that it was the master of its own destiny, now many of them are freed from this responsibility. Everybody is looking up to the UN, to numerous other international organizations, which have assumed the roles of “world managers”. And everybody counts on the so-called “humanitarian aid”, which is immediately stolen by corrupt officials, as could have been expected.

Thus, the results of all these UN activities are obvious. The UN has damaged nations and has brought chaos into their lives. It has destroyed the basic concepts, which people used to distinguish between Good and Evil throughout many centuries. And now cruel dictators claim to be human rights advocates, and the new leaders of “developing countries” who are absolutely incapable of bringing normalcy to their own village, try to become members of the World Government, so that they can to rule the world.

The UN can claim credit for its unquestionable success in one area only: it has made the Jews look like the enemies of all mankind, and the State of Israel to be the greatest threat to peace. Thanks to the UN, every inhabitant of places where nobody before even heard of Jews, now knows for certain, who is to blame for the fact that one tribe has massacred another, and everybody in the third tribe has died of hunger. All these disasters happened because of the Jews, World Zionism and the State of Israel. End of story!

As you see, the UN has become quite a successful invention for the Europeans. It enabled them to contaminate all the nations of the world with pathological hatred of the Jews.

It would be naïve to think that the current situation is devoid of logic. Moreover, it is quite logical if we understand that its roots lie in the deep trauma that the Jewish origin of Jesus caused the Europeans. Once we examine the source of “the special attitude” the Europeans exhibit towards the Jews, who have played such a significant role in the lives of all European nations, everything becomes plain and simple, including the conduct of Europeans at all these “durbans”.

There is nothing surprising about the attitude of the Vaticanto the UN conference.

Its logic is determined by the Christian concept of the New Israel. According to this concept, G-d has rejected His covenant with the Old Israel, that is, the Jews, and forged a covenant with the New Israel, that is, the Christians. Consequently, both the return of the Jews to the Promised Land and the rebuilding of Israel are impossible. And no matter how hard Vaticantries to cloak the issue, its attitude towards Israel follows directly from this concept. Vaticanis not averse to accepting “the Palestinian state” but the mere existence of the State of Israel is like a bone in its throat.

It may be true that Christians are fleeing from “Palestine”, so that towns with substantial age-old Christian majorities, have long ceased being Christian, but the Vaticanprefers not to notice these incidents. The fact that the Vatican ignores them uncovers the terrible truth, which everyone is loathe to admit and will not even acknowledge contemplating: it turns out that hatred of the Jews is a sacred emotion, far more powerful and expansive than the love of Jesus.

Therefore, Vatican has no other choice but to continue with its lies, sending welcome messages and wishes of success to the UN conference, calling for peace and urging tolerance. Of course, the Holy See is above all concerned about peace in the Holy Land. They say that the pontiff even recites special prayers for peace in the Middle East. One is left to wonder how the L-rd G-d responds to these prayers.

There is nothing surprising about the attitude of Franceto the UN conference.

Explosive, boiling hatred towards Christianity erupted in Franceduring the Great French Revolution and started to spread like wildfire across all of Europe. The continuous process of de-Christianization of Europe has led to two results, the first of which was Nazism. Nazi ideologists were involved in creating a new Aryan religion, capable of replacing Christianity, which they saw as an outgrowth of Judaism. Introduction of this new religion required the total annihilation of Jews who were to blame for Christianity. The second result of European de-Christianization was “the state for all its citizens”. Its policies flung open the gates into France to the population of former French colonies.

One might ask: What does any of this have to do with the Jews? It does, and very much so. It is not just that during the Nazi occupation the proud French handed over their Jewish fellow-citizens to the Third Reich “on a silver platter”, so to say. It is now held to be in good taste in Franceto demonstrate remorse and chant the mantra of “Never Again”. Yet for some reason the Jews are blamed for the recent string of riots in several suburbs of Paris perpetrated by young migrants from former French colonies in Africa. These young people infused with the European hatred of Jews are already creating their own Jew-hating organizations and their own Jew-hating art. They attack and beat up Jews, desecrate Jewish cemeteries and monuments, and vandalize synagogues. According to them, the Jews are responsible for the fact that French society does not really accept or welcome people of African descent, though France claims to be “a state for all its citizens”. Do they honestly believe that French society accepts or welcomes the Jews?

The most amazing thing is that French nationalists excuse and even support these anti-Semitic prejudices and actions by the new “French”. Why would they do it? Are the Jews in any way involved in violent riots in the Parisian suburbs; are they, perhaps, setting cars on fire and smashing shop windows? Of course not. The explanation is outrageously ridiculous: Israel’s “occupation” of Palestineis what destabilizes the situation. The injustice of it makes the young people from the former African colonies “fly off the handle”.

Jean-Marie Le Pen brought France’s Big Lie out of the shadows and into the limelight. The leader of French nationalists, whom his co-patriots castigate for his extreme opinions, publicly explained the gist of the issue. It turns out that Algierswith its Arab majority should belong to France, whereas Palestineshould belong to the Arabs. So it is not French colonialism and the French society’s spiritual emptiness but the Jewish “occupation” of the Promised Land that is to blame for France’s current unenviable situation.

It makes totally no sense to question or appeal to the reason of someone who has such a skewed notion of the world order. His views are driven by internal forces, by what his soul tell him. And his soul tells him to hate, to keep on hating even when the reason for this hatred is no longer clear.

So it is not in the least bit surprising that Francefeels very much at ease at all these “durbans”. French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs MonsieurKouchner has not given up hope that one of these days he will convince citizens of other countries of the importance of tolerance and restraint. He believes it is in his power to convince them of something no French public or political leaders have so far managed to explain to their own fellow citizens wreaking havoc in the suburbs of Paris.

There is nothing surprising about the attitude of Norwayto the UN conference.

The time has not come yet but it will definitely come when the true role of Norwayin the Osloconspiracy against the Jewish people and the State of Israel will be revealed. Already now we can draw an indirect conclusion: the Oslo conspiracy has legitimized the killing of Jews. Blowing up buses packed with passengers and crowded cafes, launching dozens of rockets and mortar shells on Israeli civilians – all this has been legitimized as the result of the Osloconspiracy. It is all a matter of interpretation, you see. This rocket and artillery fire is not aimed at the Jews who often end up being killed but at those who are against the “peace process”.

The “peace process” has a well-defined goal: to force the Jews inside the boundaries of a truncated mini-state, which were aptly dubbed the “Auschwitz borders”. Such a “proposal” continues to be on the table despite the fact that such strong adherents of the “peace process” as Hamas and Hezbollah (naturally, good friends of Norway), have already amassed major supplies of weapons capable of reaching any target on the territory of Israel within its current borders. The adherents of the “peace process” do not even try to conceal that these weapons are intended to commit a new genocide against the Jewish people. And why should they bother to hide their intentions? Everybody knows them anyway.

In the meantime, the Norwegians have forbidden the Jews to fight for their lives. While the “Durban-2” hate-fest was taking place in Geneva, a group of lawyers in Norway have filed charges (and they were not the first ones to do that among the Europeans) against top Israeli military leaders and politicians who dared to begin a military offensive in response to the constant barrage of Hamas rocket attacks at Israeli towns and villages.

The Norwegians are sincere in their outrage. Just look at these Jews! They don’t want to die, they want to live! They’ve got a lot of nerve! Then what was the point for the Norwegians even to start this “peace process”?

It appears that the Nazis were right when they said that Norwaywas the land of true Aryans. Where else should the Norwegians be if not at a UN conference where slogans like “Hitler was right” sound like music to one’s ears?

There is nothing surprising about the attitude of Switzerlandto the UN conference.

The traditional neutrality of Switzerland is a very convenient position to take. This status of neutrality allows the Swiss to delegate to others those things, which they are not supposed to do because of their neutrality. The Swiss have already enjoyed the advantages of being neutral during World War II. Now, too, they don’t need to let the world know how they hate the Jews, or deny the Holocaust, or tell myths about the genocide of the “Palestinian people”, supposedly plotted by the Jews. And they don’t need to insist that the Jews are the most bloodthirsty nation on earth, when they know that tens of thousands of people in the world die an agonizing death.

No, the respectable Swiss people will not do anything like that. But they will gladly turn the podium over to the ranting and raving lunatic Ahmadinejad, who will spout these hateful lies, myths and distortions into the ears and gullible souls of the world community. As for the Swiss, they are still neutral: they are sitting on the sidelines. They don’t see anything, they don’t hear anything, they don’t know anything. Why waste their time fussing around? People who learned the lessons of Dr. Goebbels know: tell a Lie enough times, and it will become the Truth.

Therefore, the main purpose of Swiss neutrality around this issue is to provide the podium. After that, all these “ahmadinejads” will do their part, i.e., they will repeat the European Lie over and over again until it is transformed into the European “Truth” in the minds of people of different nations.

There is nothing surprising about the attitude of Russiato the UN conference.

No doubt, the roots of Russia’s attitude towards the Jews in general and towards Israel, in particular, should be sought in the familiar concept of the New Israel. However, the imperial ambitions of the Soviet Unionadded a new feature to this attitude: Soviet leaders thought that Jew-hatred might become an excellent unifying platform to promote mutual understanding among nations and serve as a tool for acquiring new friends and allies. So what were the results of their policies? Where are all these friends and allies? Contrary to their expectations, they made no friends or new allies, only enemies.

Present-day Russia seems to have denounced the Soviet past… Not entirely. Not in the Jewish issue, apparently. What this means is that the Russians have failed to draw the most important conclusion from their experience: anti-Semitism generates only hatred, not love and friendship. That is why nobody has succeeded to benefit from shedding Jewish blood or subjecting Jews to indignities and persecution. On the contrary, all those who tried to benefit from Jewish misfortune ended up on the losing side. Obviously, the Lord our G-d had no intention to reject the covenant with the Old Israel.

Nevertheless, it is unfair to put all the blame solely on the Europeans. The Jewish people and the State of Israel would have never found themselves in their current position if not for the Jewish “internationalists”.

Nobody has told more myths and lies about the Jewish people and the State of Israel than Jewish “internationalists”. If it were not for them and their active participation in numerous world organizations, among others, which are literally overrun by hordes of “internationalists”, none of this would have happened: neither the despicable and absurd slander, accusing the Jews of “occupying” the Promised Land, nor the Oslo conspiracy, which threatens the Jewish people with a new genocide. Why Jewish “internationalists” feel such intense animosity against the Jews and the State of Israel is not a secret. It is because they are eager to become “people of the world” whereas the existence of the State of Israel creates an obstacle to their objective.

Slander against their own people does not limit the activities of these Jewish “internationalists”. They distorted the truth about the Holocaust, placing a taboo on mentioning the sacred sources and reasons for the European hatred of the Jews. They transformed the Holocaust into a symbol of the struggle against xenophobia, homophobia and anything else they have defined as “phobias”. As a result, any Europeans who sincerely want to sort out their true feelings towards the Jews, and who would like to know the history behind anti-Jewish hatred, are unable to do so.

The lies spread by Jewish “internationalists” have misled and confused even native Israelis who do not fully understand the true nature of the prejudiced attitude of the Europeans towards the State of Israel. This explains why they cheer such theatrical gestures by the Europeans as walking out of the hall during Ahmadinejad’s speech. These native Israelis were not born in Europe, did not grow up there, and they do not know what Europe is all about. That is why they are unaware that the Big Lie of the Europeans conceals their hope to transform this land into another Auschwitz – this land, which the Europeans once perceived as the Christian Holy Land and which remains pagan Palestine for them but which has always been and will always be Eretz-Israel for the Jews.

It is the land of Israel. It is the Promised Land.


* The term “Europeans” in the context of this essay refers to the peoples of European origin whose religion is Christianity. Such an approach, not limited to geographical boundaries, provides a clue to the seeming inconsistency of the US policies. On the one hand, the United States has consistently supported the State of Israel politically as its ally, just as other countries (such as Canada and Australia) where the majority religion shaping the life of the nation acknowledges the everlasting covenant G-d made with the Old Israel, that is, with the Jewish people. On the other hand, the United Statesis the architect of “the new world order” and the primary sponsor of the “Palestinian people”.

Размышление о фильме "Рожденный в Вифлееме"


Мы явно не осознаем, насколько тесна связь между аномальной озабоченностью европейцами судьбой "палестинцев" и ужасающей деградацией самих европейцев. Фильм "Рожденный в Вифлееме" выставляет напоказ то, что все страются не замечать: Европа не может простить евреям их собственной веры в Распятого еврея. Поэтому я и называю борьбу европейцев за освобождение "Палестины" от евреев следующей после нацизма попыткой отомстить евреям за Синайское Откровение. И в этом смысле я считаю Евросоюз преемником Третьего Рейха.

Роль европейцев в том, что творится в наших "палестинах", явно не осознана. Поэтому мои мысли по этому вопросу, изложенные в статьях "Зачем нужна Палестина" и "Европейская Ложь Дурбана", вызывают такое неприятие. Но я действительно убеждена в том, что аномальная значимость "Палестины" для европейцев порождена травмой христианства и ролью евреев в распространении веры в Единого.

"Палестина" - это гремучая смесь, в которой, как и в нацизме, соединились два взрывоопасных компонента: делигитимация евреев церковью за распятие Христа и делегитимация евреев европейцами-антихристианами за рождение Христа. Это сочетание так трансформировало "еврейский вопрос" при нацизме, что "окончательное решение" стало единственно возможным на него ответом.

Теперь же мы имеем возможность наблюдать за вторым актом того же спектакля, разыгранного на сей раз не Третьим Рейхом, а Евросоюзом. Поэтому я и называю борьбу европейцев за освобождение "Палестины" от евреев следующей после нацизма попыткой отомстить евреям за Синайское Откровение.И в этом смысле я считаю Евросоюз преемником Третьего Рейха.

- - - - - -

Недавно смогла в этом в очередной раз убедиться, посмотрев итальянский фильм ''Рождённый в Вифлееме''. Не жалею, что потратила время: фильм с таким названием обязательно должен был нести какое-то послание. И не ошиблась - таки нёс.

Уже в начале фильма мы, зрители, понимаем, что речь идёт о самом настоящем Вифлееме, только современном. Естественно, что всё опять связано с евреями, только с современными, какими они, по замыслу авторов, должны видиться среднему итальянцу.

Итак, герой фильма - итальянский тележурналист, которого начальство намеревается послать в Израиль в командировку. Он знает, что это крайне опасно и хочет отказаться, но начальство намекает ему, что бедняга может остаться без заработка. А это дело серьёзное.

Герой старается скрыть от своей жены, куда именно он уезжает. Но любящие глаза женщины моментально засекают выражение лица родимого мужа, когда он смотрит репортаж из Израиля (естественно, стрельба, взрывы, крики, слезы) и любящее сердце подсказывает правду:

- Ты едешь туда?!!!!! - в ужасе восклицает прекрасная итальянка.

Ничего не остаётся несчастному, как сознаться - женщину ведь не проведёшь, особенно любящую.

- Зачем? - недоумевает она.

Муж нервно напоминает ей о расходах, о ссуде, взятой в банке на покупку той самой квартиры, в которой они беседуют, лёжа в постели. Бедная женщина понимает, что за возможность валяться в такой роскошной постельке, ей придётся заплатить страшную цену:

- Я буду вдовой - рыдает она.

Муж тоже разнервничался, да до такой степени, что у него начинается приступ астмы. Он впрыскивает ингалятором лекарство и мы, разумеется, сразу догадываемся, что этот ингалятор - то самое ружьё, которое появляется в первом акте для того, чтобы обязательно выстрелить в третьем.

Да, вождь мирового пролетариата Владимир Илиьч Ленин сразу смекнул, что может сделать с мозгами мирового пролетариата великое искусство кино. Собственно, другие вожди тоже быстро разобрались с искусством - Йосиф Виссарионович Сталин, Адольф Аллоизович Шикльгрубер-Гитлер. Для советских вождей уже было очевидным, что у искусства есть одно-единственное предназначение - быть средством пропаганды. Так что авторы фильма "Рожденный в Вифлееме", можно сказать, пошли по колее, проложенной предшественниками.

Лично мне после советской промывки мозгов было забавно наблюдать за тем, как такой же промывкой мозгов занимается "свободный" Запад.

Итак, уже в преамбуле авторы ''художественного произведения'' внедряют в наши мозги важную мысль: это место - ''Палестина'', как они его называют - место страшное. Всё, что связано с ним - это взрывы, стрельба, хаос, смерть и слёзы. Всякий, уезжающий туда - потенциальный смертник, уже до поездки оплакиваемый потенциальной вдовой.

Что происходит с потребителями такого рода ''искусства'', можно предсказать без всяких опросов общественного мнения. Опросы лишь позволяют определить масштаб явления. По одному из них 59 % европейцев считают само существование еврейского государства угрозой миру, достаточно большой процент высказывает сожаление о том, что это государство вообще существует. По последнему опросу Израиль вошел в число самых опасных стран.

Вот так потихонечку, фильм за фильмом, репортаж за репортажем средствами великого искусства в мозги вбивается то, что нужно. А что именно нужно, хорошо видно из сюжета этого фильма с символическим называнием ''Рождённый в Вифлееме''.

Пока что речь шла о преамбуле. Само действо начинается тогда, когда наш герой прибывает в это страшное место - на Землю Обетованную. Мы вновь встречаемся с ним, когда сидя в машине вместе с тремя другими итальянскими корреспондентами, он колесит по Вифлеему, пытаясь вырваться из западни. Но безуспешно - на какую бы улицу умные и трепетные итальяцы не свернули, везде они натыкаются на ощетинившихся и роботообразных израильтян: то израильтяне в танке, то с автоматом в боевой готовности, которую тут же демонстрируют предупредительной очередью. В общем стрельба, паника, холодный пот от страха - всё, что так непереносимо для утончённого европейца.

Чудом наши изнервничавшиеся герои добираются до светлого оазиса в пустыне мрака и кошмара. Оазисом оказывается католический Храм, куда вслед за итальянцами врываются и арабы. Арабы зачем-то тащат в храм беременную женщину, само пребывание которой почему-то преподносится как страшная тайна. Зачем? Мы понимаем, что авторам зачем-то это нужно. Ладно, нужно, так нужно. Поехали дальше.

Очутившись в храме, итальянцы начинают трезвонить по телефону в надежде, что их из храма вытащат, потому что ни выйти из него, ни даже выглянуть из окна невозможно: малейшее движение - и в ответ раздаётся автоматная очередь. Пули влетают в окна храма и одна из них очень символично попадает в фотографию на стене, на которой заснят Папа римский. Если учесть, что персона Папы римского у католиков священна, то не очень трудно догадаться, на какой эффект рассчитывали авторы фильма: ну вот, из-за каши, которую заварили здесь евреи, стреляют в саму святую католическую церковь. И еще того хуже: эти жиды опять убили Б-га, выстрелив в Его наместника на земле.

Итальянские корреспонденты снуют по храму, выведывая местоположение тайной роженицы, и заодно знакомятся с монахами и монахинями. Естественно, что у нашего героя завязываются с ними диалоги. Благодаря этому трюку, монахи, а их устами авторы фильма, могут высказать собственное кредо.

Упомяну о разговоре нашего героя с настоятелем храма, который объясняет, как он видит сложившуюся ситуацию и свою роль в ней (а заодно и роль всей католической церкви):

- Представьте себе мать, которая разнимает дерущихся детей.

Мы вместе с оператором всматриваемся в лицо настоятеля: сдержанный, благородный взгляд светлых глаз, мужественно сжатые челюсти. Да, должен ощутить зритель всем своим нутром, такой человек умеет проникать в суть явлений и постигать великие тайны бытия, такой человек не дрогнет в любой ситуации и всегда сможет сохранить трезвость рассудка и чувство справедливости. Такой стойкий мужчина может стать настоящей матерью.

А кто же дети? А это евреи с арабами, чада неразумные, которые подрались из-за какой-то ерунды. Кто же их разнимет, научит уму-разуму, кто слёзы осушит, сопли вытрет? Естественно, мать-католическая церковь.

Что теперь нам вдалбливается в голову? Вся еврейская затея с возвращением на Землю Обетованную - детская и глупая игра и принесла миру одни неприятности. Из-за еврейских глупостей и страдают благородные носители истины, такие, как этот отец-настоятель. Но пока существуют подобные ему праведники, миру гарантирован ''правильный'' мировой порядок (естественно, без возвращения евреев и еврейского государства). Как эту мысль европейцы усвоили, как раз и демонстрируют опросы их общественного мнения.

А что же арабы? Вроде бы это они захватили храм, бегают с обмотанными лицами и людей пугают. Для ответа на этот вопрос у авторов фильма припасён другой трюк.

Итак, мы в церкви. Все католики молятся и вдруг в помещение входит араб с обмотанной головой. Итальянский корреспондент, который, конечно же, находится тут же, начинает нервничать. Но его успокаивает мудрая монахиня:

- Не удивляйся. Арабы - свои, потому что они признают Христа.

В подтверждение сказанного араб снимает с головы тряпку и зритель обнаруживает под ней одухотворённое лицо искренне верующего человека. Мы тут же понимаем (а заодно и все европейцы): да не нужно их пугаться, этих палестинцев. Это они только с виду такие страшные. Внешность обманчива - на самом-то деле они искренние и благородные люди. Просто борьба с врагом - евреями - заставляет их вести себя не всегда адекватно. Взрываться в автобусах, например. Всё из-за жидов!

Но самое главное послание даже не в образе '' палестинца'', неожиданного преобразившегося из страшилища в святого. Самое главное послание - идея христианско-мусульманского союза. Зритель должен усвоить важнейшую мысль: у арабов с католиками святыни общие. Это евреи, враги рода человеческого, находятся по другую сторону - в жидовское сердце наши святые молитвы не проникнут никогда.

Как можно догадаться из названия фильма ''Рождённый в Вифлееме'', центральная роль отведена младенцу, которому предстоит родиться. Именно для этого и понадобилась беременная арабка.

С этой арабкой наш главный герой уже успел познакомиться. Разумеется, тайно. Он увидел, что у неё есть проблемы с дыханием и тут же отдал ей свой ингалятор, который ему и самому был крайне необходим (вот ради этого эпизода он и задыхался перед своей плакальщицей-женой в преамбуле). Сделал он это, предчувствуя, что у беременной арабской женщины есть великая миссия. К тому же такой благородный поступок мягкосердечного итальянца так эффектно контрастирует с безжалостностью изральской военщины, из-за которой новоявленной Марии приходится рожать ребёнка в неподходящих условиях. Тем очевидным фактом, что не израильтяне её туда тащили, авторы фильма решили пренебречь.

Но богоугодная роль итальянского корреспондента в судьбе роженицы и её ребёнка не ограничилась ингалятором. Корреспондента авторы умудрились превратить ещё и в акушера. Когда начались роды, почему-то именно к нему за помощью побежали растерявшиеся монахини, хотя он всячески отнекивался и объяснял, что ничего в этом не понимает, так как всего-то и окончил какие-то курсы. Родившийся с помощью итальянского корреспондента мальчик вызывает у итальянца прилив нежности - он, как все итальянцы, очень любит детей. Но именно с этим арабским мальчиком, родившимся в Вифлееме, связаны более глубокие эмоции - благоговение.

Со своими чувствами главный герой разобраться не успел: как только арабка отрожала, за итальянцами приехала машина, чтобы вывести их из храма. Вроде уже и хеппи энд на носу, да вот беда : радость по поводу освобождения омрачилось тревожным известием. Монахиням каким-то образом стало известно, что у родившегося мальчика серьёзные проблемы со здоровьем, и если его через несколько часов не подключить к аппарату искусственного дыхания, он умрёт. Откуда такие медицинские познания у монахинь, которые и роды-то сами, без итальянского корреспондента, принять не смогли? Ответ на этот вопрос остаётся на совести авторов ''шедевра''.

Естественно, что ни от чем другом, кроме как о спасении новоявленного Иисуса, добрые итальянские католики думать уже не могли. Спасать, спасать дитя! Они находят таксиста, готового отправиться в пекло, но за бо-о-о-льшие деньги. Итальянцы даже не обсуждают этот вопрос. Сердце подсказывает им решение и они не сговариваясь отдают все свои деньги во имя спасения святого младенца. Если мы еще помним, что в эту жуткую "Палестину" наш герой отправился ради заработка, то можем вполне оценить величие его поступка.

Вернувшись в храм, итальянцы засовывают младенца в сумку, замаскировав его под обычный груз. Это необходимо сделать для того, чтобы израильтяне не догадались о том, что происходит.

Израильтяне, конечно, не догадались — где уж им, толстокожим, —  но мальчика все-таки обнаружили. Израильский офицер, раскрывший сумку во время проверки, жестко и пристально взглянул на трепещущего итальянца. О, ужас! Все кончено, все жертвы напрасны. Но, случилось чудо: при прикосновении к "рожденному в Вифлееме" что-то дрогнуло даже в каменном сердце израильтянина. И этот изверг залепетал о том, что и у него дескать тоже дети есть.

Ну что ж, все же и они, хоть и евреи, а люди. Всё же, и у них, евреев, рождаются дети, как у всех остальных нормальных людей. В общем, "Б-г помог" — перед святостью отступила израильская военщина и пропустила итальянца с его святым грузом.

Намек поняли: у этих евреев, убийц Б-га, осталось что-то человеческое только потому, что им еще предстоит признать Христа.

Вырвавшиеся, наконец, из лап израильтян итальянцы доставляют святого младенца в госпиталь. Католический, естественно. Святой младенец оказывается в детском отделении среди других младенцев. А через окно на детей смотрят переполненные нежностью мужчины. Один из них - отец "рождённого в Вифлееме" - интеллигентного вида араб. Другой...ну знаете, это уж слишком! Другой - израильский офицер, который, оказывается, тоже привёз свою жену рожать в католический монастырь. Другого родильного отделения в Израиле не нашлось. Я живу в Израиле, рожала в Израиле, да и с фантазией у меня, вроде бы, всё в порядке, но я не могу представить себе ситуацию, при которой израильский офицер потащит свою жену рожать в католический госпиталь при наличии прекрасных израильских. Что-что, а это дело у нас поставлено на поток, и поставлено неплохо. Видно у авторов фильма фантазия намного богаче, чем у меня. Но дело не в фантазии. Авторам нужен символ, выражающий вселенскую роль Ватикана.

Религиозный подтекст всего этого действа настолько очевиден, что когда в одном из послеродовых эпизодов на экране появился проём двери, из которого лился золотой свет, я попыталась предсказать развитие сюжета, понимая куда клонят авторы фильма и зачем им понадобилась беременная женщина.

- Сейчас в дверном проёме появится арабка с ребёнком на руках и примет позу Сикстинской мадонны.

Не угадала: мадонну с младенцем решили не обыгрывать. Зато нашли другие символы, безошибочно определяющие личность "рождённого в Вифлееме".

Как только итальянский корреспондент вышел из госпиталя, раздался выстрел, в очередной раз испугавший итальянца. Поначалу он втянул голову в плечи, но затем, взглянув на небо и заметив на нем нечто светящееся звездообразное, понимающе улыбнулся. Это, правда, была не комета Галлея, которая по преданию 2000 лет назад возвестила волхвам о рождении Христа, а всего лишь пущенная кем-то ракета, но итальянскому корреспонденту и ее было достаточно для осознания святости момента.

- - - - - - -

Можно было бы отнестись с юмором к этому пропагандистскому вареву итальянских кинематографистов, если бы не одно обстоятельство. Вся концепция этого фильма отражает новую теологию, которую в католической церкви кто-то активно разрабатывает. Я на эту теологию уже натыкалась, причем, неоднократно.

В соответствии с новой концепцией Мария была не еврейкой, а "палестинкой" (знать бы еще, что это за национальность такая). И рожала она в хлеву якобы потому, что зловредные евреи ее на порог дома не пустили, а вовсе не потому, что в окрестностях Иерусалима возникла проблема с ночлегом из-за объявленной переписи населения. Собственно из-за этой переписи беременная Мария и вынуждена была отправиться в путь из галилейского Назарета в иудейский Вифлеем, к месту "прописки" племени Иегуды, к которому принадлежал как ее муж Йосеф, так и царь Давид. На происхождении Иисуса из племени Иегуды и из дома Давида строится вся концепция объявления Иисуса Христа Мессией в соотвествии с пророчеством о Мессии потомке Давида. И вот на тебе - отрекаются от основ собственной веры. И все ради чего? Чтобы разделаться с евреями, пусть для начала теологически. (Что следует потом и как именно теории претворяются в практику испытали на себе 6 000 000 европейских евреев.)

Да, да, именно об этом и идет речь. Все это уже было и "Рожденный в Вифлееме" - это всего лишь повторение пройденного. Подобную теологию уже разрабатывали в Германии "Немецкие христиане", которые после прихода нацистов к власти выбросили из христианской теологии все, что напоминало о евреях: Ветхий завет, послания апостола Павла. Правда Иисуса Христа " Немецкие христиане" объявили арийцем, а не палестинцем. Но какое это имеет значение, ариец Христос или палестинец? Главное, чтобы его имя никоим образом не было связано с евреями.

И кто-то еще будет доказывать, будто нацизм был неким выпадением из логики развития Европы. Нет, он был совершенно закономерным этапом этого "развития", если развитием можно называть ужасающую деградацию Европы, свидетелями которой все мы являемся. И фильм "Рожденный в Вифлееме" красноречивое тому свидетельство.

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